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Image Comments posted by floyder


    Very good job! Perhaps some mild backlighting would help, but this photo has "the feeling"! Thatᄡs what makes portrait photography.

    Floating Deer

    Otherwise it is a dream to catch. I remember myself running after a deer in the morning mist.... I saw a deer on the field and jumped out of my car quickly. I got all wet and then my car was parked on a narrow road and somebody drove behind it. I ran to my car in order to move it away and felt utterly stupid. How do you explain what were you actually doing? Photography is real fun.


    I would give 10 gladly, but the backgrount tree is indeed a bit distracting. I bet these trees would both make a great subject each alone. Toning was good idea, although I am not a big fan of PS tricks.
  1. Somebody said that the hand is distracting. Right. But think about it - if this hand was just like you "expect it to be", the image would not be so powerful. The twisted hand is one of the most intriguing parts of this image next to the face of this boy.
  2. Sorry for such an intriguing title from my side.

    After I had rated the photo real low, I saw your name. Believe me, I have all the respect in the world towards you and your work and you are listed under "my friends" category, because most of your images are really great. But this one is... plastic. The red cap, the macho-cop glasses and the look on her face and the marble are all one huge drawback in my mind. The look on her face is the most irritating factor for me. Something is missing here. B/W would help too a bit, but not much. Sorry, if this sounds too harsh or so. Your other images are just great.


    Sunday morning


    This is what I call photography. Everything from the life itself. Very good. The looks are so great, the situation is so real and yet comic. Missing legs disturb a bit, but this was not something that made me stop and look closer...

    Eugenio, I have a question about this picture too. Could you e-mail me, since I could not find your e-mail on your page. My address is jyri@kus.tartu.ee

  3. Hi Niloy,

    I agree that it is UNREAL but it is beautiful. I am not sure about the lower left corner though. It does add certain kind of a dimension, but... well. Anyway, I think this is one of your best images. By the way, thank you for commenting on my pictures too!

  4. It is so great! Like a real warrior. Did you get any other shots of this man? I believe the image would be much stronger if a) the head was not cut, b) it was black and white c)if it had a bit different angle or the man would have posed for you. As it is, the man on the background is a bit distracting, ruining the seriousness of the knight. Otherwise I'd give 10 for aesthetics - because you captured the expression so well. Alas, the cut head... So 9 for aesthetics and 8 for originality. Thanks for sharing!
  5. Now to be honest I think the image is actually made perfect by the tree on the right. I was instantly drawn to it. This picture would be a bit boring without it. Dead tree really adds context in this case. I keep saying that the dead tree itself would be a marvelous object to shoot. Now, why do I have to live so far from that place...:)
  6. The image is spectacular. Althoug it would be nice to see the original as it is too. On the left, there is a tree that seems a bit overkilled with the digital manip. Looks blurred or something. Otherwise you captured really great scene.
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