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Image Comments posted by domenico_foschi


    Perfect composition , i am not usually a fan for sharpness , but your planar is an indidpensable toll to reproduce the creases of the drape in such a tactile manner , Added to this thesoft lighting and the uneven background makes it for an image created with great taste .

    Over the fog


    Luca, la foto e' molto bella , pero' penso che possa essere molto piu' effettiva se tu eliminassi la porzione sinistra equivalente ad un terzo dell'immagine intera .

    I colori sono molto belli, e la struttura sull'angolo destro da; una qualita' eterea che mi piace molto .


    Your work is without any doubt the best in photo.net. It reveals sensitivity and extremely good taste. You do not abuse Photoshop and enjoy exploring the potential of your imagination setting it free. I would love to own one of your images, are you up for a trade?
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