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Posts posted by nuclearfurnace

  1. If I were to store my SLR with lenses for longer periods of time (month or two)

    between uses or for travel, should I store the body by itself with a body cap or

    should I keep the lens on the body and store it that way? I am using a medium

    size padded camera bag. I read that storing an SLR with the lens can damage the

    mount over time due to stresses. I find it hard to believe that this, even with

    travel, can be true while in a padded camera bag...but maybe I am wrong. I would

    just like to know how people store and travel with their SLR and lenses.

  2. Are they the first four or five frames? My 7000 had a pressure plate bur which was repaired successfully, however additional lines on the leading frames were still apparent. Upon further inspection, there was an anomoly in the plastic roller that accepts the leading edge of the film. This too was replaced and the problem went away. It seems as though you have already inspected both of these areas. I think the fact that only a few frames are effected is the key. Examine all areas that would only touch these first few frames. (Assuming we are talking about the leading four or so frames). I can only use my 7 as a reference since I do not own a 9 but I assume they are similar. As you are aware, it takes very little to mar the film surface so what you may be looking for could be extremely small to the naked eye making it extremely difficult for a "poke and hope" solution.
  3. My Vivitar works well for me. Of the two that I own, one is over fifteen years old and all that was required for the Maxxum 7 was a new base/shoe. Obviously the newer the model, the more options it may contain, but my old Vivitar is still strong and my prefered choice.
  4. I appreciate the help many of you provided. Some people really gave some personal insight which helps greatly. Meryl (2nd post) and Wigwam put things into perspective and I thank the both of you. (as well as others!) It's amusing how certain people consistantly take any post as an opportunity to become instant soap-box preachers. Off topic jabs need not be posted. Again, thanks for the input. I wanted straight answers from personal experience and that's what most of you gave. Appreciated.
  5. Meryl, there certainly IS if you aren't super wealthy and rely on the sale of used camera equipment (body, slide scanners, mounts, some entry level lenses) to support the purchase of the upgrade! Answering a legitimate question with a witty, pseudo-phylosophical, somewhat sarcastic remark doesn't help my situation, I'm sorry to say. Stick to the question at hand. Technology/models-in-question related answers only please.
  6. Disconnect is true. I had read the PR a while ago and apparently misread the portion regarding Sony. I thought I read that they ONLY took over warranty repair, etc, not new product developement. Regardless, this is not suddenly and answer to my prayers so to speak. IE, what is the reliability of Sony DSLR's in an industry dominated by Nikon/Canon? My track record with Sony is sub-par but not bad enough to ignore them. Anyone with experience can chime in on the Sony as an option. Also, for the record, I am now fully aware of the KM/Sony connection and compatibility thanks to Mario & Rob.
  7. First, a brief history: I grew up with Minolta. Years ago my father switched

    from Yashica to the Maxxum 7000 and he stuck with Minolta ever since. As a

    result, I started shooting on a 7000 and a few years ago upgraded to a Maxxum 7.

    This upgrade also led to lens purchases. I have a couple thousand invested in

    lenses. Minolta announced their desire to discontinue camera production earlier

    this year.


    The more I have been seeing of DSLR's the more I want one. I have been toying

    with the idea for some time, this announcement from Minolta more or less

    reinforces the idea as there is no where to go from here with Maxxum and 35mm.

    If I want to continue with film and simultaneously upgrade, I am in for a large

    investment when switching to Nikon or Canon. If I want to go digital, which I am

    certain I will in the relatively near future, I can either keep my lenses and go

    with the now "has been" Maxxum 7D or make that more costly, but "future

    friendly" switch to Nikon or Canon DSLR. I am flustered! I don't know what to do

    and am looking for some friendly advice from Minolta fans and foes alike,

    especially experience DSLR users who switched from their beloved 35mm.


    I am an amateur, albeit experienced, photographer. I consider myself above

    average (not up for debate! :-) and am looking for a DSLR to support my needs.

    Like I said, my options are either the Maxxum 7D to utilyze my existing lenses

    and nurse my comfort with Minolta OR I switch to Nikon or Canon. For the latter,

    I am eyeing the Nikon D70 and D80, and the Canon 5D and 30D. These choices are

    more "future friendly" but a larger investment.


    I appreciate any help and thank you for taking the time to read through to the

    end of this lengthy post!

  8. I have to agree with statements refering to the overall quality of nudes. It's not that nudes are objectionable...but let's face it, just because one is photographed naked does not automatically place their photo in the "art" genre. Judging by the responses to this post, some are automatically and defensively equating any nude with art. Not true. The quality and "taste" (no pun intended) of nudes on a whole has dramtically plummeted in my opinion. It seems that any truly artistic, tastful nude that shows up is from a photographer with a history of artistic, tasteful nudes on photo.net. The most recent I have seen include pseudo macro/close-up photography of genitalia (and not very well exposed or well composed I have to say) and in some cases a child's toy or other inanimate object is placed in the FOV for a preemptive, defensive attempt at originality and "art". To me, it is obsurd to lump this into the "well, it's art you conservative freak!" response. No one is wrong in their perception and resulting opinion of this issue, but before we start blindly labeling complaints as attacks on our freedom of expression, yadda yadda, let's know what we are talking about. "Nudes" is a general term encompassing any photo subject without clothes or portions of clothes but doesn't refer to the overall quality of the resulting photograph in both taste and aesthetics. It is up to us and only us to maintain a tasteful, artistic collection of photographs on this site. ########### has arguably destroyed any quality, honest form of file trading, discussion forum, chat method and communication technology that has presented itself on the internet. Once ########### plays a dominative role in any one of these entities, it automatically comes under scrutiny and will inevitably be given a label and in some cases shut down. Let's not allow that to happen by lumping all nudes as artistic and turning our heads. A slight tangent that has been addressed before, but I thought I would speak my mind. Now go easy on me! :)
  9. Not sure what is going on. I am a long-time FireFox user and while there are other FF related bugs on the site (kudos to new code, most have been eliminated) that is one I have not had. It seems that your browser isn't posting information properly, but I can't say that it is a general photo.net/FF issue since not everyone is having it. Just my .02!
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