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Image Comments posted by majumder

    Black coffee

    Thanks... My creative department in the grey matter office is almost always on a "coffee break"... and thus, the story begins (or does it???)



    Testing the max zoom quality of the Lumix FZ30K. I found it to be

    pretty reasonale in quality for such type of photograpy, but quite

    useless for nature/wildlife photography...


    All opinions/comments welcom... especially from FZ30K owners.

    Street Urchin

    Sorry for not getting any photo work done lately... I've been busy with my new job. Anyway... I tried the new "Multiple Photo Upload" thing, and now I have three "untitled" pictures...
  1. Just getting familiar with the Lumix FZ30. I was trying to find out

    the grain level at low light conditions. This one is an 8 Sec

    exposure of me taken by me (2 sec timer shutter release).


    The light source is a couple of flashes from the novelty "lighter cum

    flash light".



    Chopping any part of that stance would truely have been dreadful. :)


    I've just gone through your Forum Post on straight horizons... it was an interesting read, although I couldn't get far in improving my understanding of which's right (perhaps my shortcoming)!!



    So true! Thanks for noticing the stand. I wasn't sure which one to align my sight on... I chose to keep Freddy up, rather than the horizon straight! Couldn't get the boat out of the frame, though; didn't have the time. Same picture without the boat means half the sun. That didn't feel right.



  2. It would seem that this picture is not taken too well by a majority (albeit small)...


    The only reasons I can think of are:

    1. The picture is tilted.

    2. The glass bolck doesn't isn't balanced on each corner of the picture.

    3. There's a bit of the roof showing...


    My explanations:

    1. I do have an upright version of this. But that simply isn't as appealing.

    2. The top left actually shows how the glass pieces are laid one on top of the other to form the block. I admit, it would have been much better if I showed a bit of the edge on the bottom left, too.


    3. As for the roof on the top right, I thought id would be better to show the roof than the bland white stand.


    I only had about 4-5" between the block and the wall to creep my hand in to take the photo. So, the framing was from an outside view, and not through the viewfinder...


    I would really appreciate if some people would suggest what is wrong with the picture, or what could have made the shot better.


    Thanks in advance!! :)




    This picture is from a recent wedding ceremony of a friend. I found

    the picture very "story telling". But when I'd given the an enlarged

    ptint to my friend, most of his family members reacted with "what a

    bad portait! Where's her face???"


    I suppose aesthetics is influenced as much by society as is by


  3. If I'm not mistaken, you've used a relatively wide angle lens. I would've stepped away a bit and used a tele/zoom (not too large, though) so as to balance the "curved" feeling I'm getting from the picture.


    Also, perhaps just a stop under. The blaring spotlight just kills the picture...

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