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Image Comments posted by amy_wilkerson

    White lily.

    Joey, thanks for pointing that out. I changed my lens/film info to reflect that of my digital camera. I do my best to take pictures that won't need editing in graphics software, but when I do touchups I use Photoshop 6.

    Yosemite Valley III

    Darn near perfect! Try a red filter to improve your contrast. I like the way the pine needles help frame the shot, and I think it would look equally pleasing without them. Nice sharpness and DOF.
  1. What I love about this one is the fact that the composition keeps the eye moving in a constant triangular pattern on the photo. Fantastic tonal range. I love the mystery (what are they doing?) and sharpness! Well done!


    I like the lighting in this one. He seems to be waiting for guests. I think lowering the camera to avoid the light fixture would have been a nice composition too. What a great subject...very photogenic man.


    You managed to capture a poignant expression and it makes the viewer wonder what his predicament is. I would have tried swinging the camera to the left to capture the window and avoid the vertical objects on the right side. Also a close crop of just the subject would be nice. A great photo!
  2. I'll be the one to disagree I guess...I think this image would have more impact if the foreground details were burned out. It allows the eye to focus on the lovely softness of the clouds in the background.
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