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Posts posted by paal_rasmussen1

  1. I think that's asking the wrong question.

    The Horseman is the ideal camera for a photographer wanting very high quality images on 120 or 4x5" film and wanting it in a easy-to-carry package.

    I have used my VHR as a "point-and-shoot" with a 105mm focused at the hyperfocal distance, I've even used it as a action sports camera with a wire-frame viewfinder, and can honestly say that if your'e allowed close enough to the action, nothing beats a wire-frame for capturing "the magical moment" as you see the action all around you while composing.

    Ive used the rangefinder for portraiture, and it focuses well enogh to place focus on the eyes.

    And of course I've used it as a ground-glass focusing field camera for architecture, commercial photography and art.


    Is there any other camera as versatile? 'Fraid not!



    Paul Rasmussen


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