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Image Comments posted by marty_schoo



    I love the settings of the castle on the hill and the location has some fantastic potential as does this photo but the sky looks a little "sick" to me and for my opinion ruins the image. I'd love to see it with the sky much less saturated. Even a black and white conversion would look great.

  1. This was a large scale temporary artwork installation in Hobart last

    year. A combined 49 powerful floodlight shone up to 7km into the sky.

    I took a longer exposure when people approached the light giving the

    impression they are drawn to the light coming from the heavens. Any

    comments and critique is welcome.

  2. Thanks again Hans. I hadn't noticed the tilt until now maybe due to the landscape naturally falling away to the left. I can see how it can be distracting though.

    As for the framing. Your correct it is a matter of taste. I think when printed on fine art paper (which I've done) it comes up great with this image. Having said that, when viewed on screen here with a grey background behind the picture it certainly looses its effect somewhat.

    Cheers, Marty



    For me simplicity in a landscape can often give it more impact than if

    its full of clutter. I guess less is more is what I'm saying. Its a

    general statement but do others agree? What is your opinion?



    Thanks for the feedback. I agree with the bright backpack helping. This wilderness forest in Tasmania was full of massive trees but as you've correctly pointed out finding open space to capture it well is a different story.



    Who say you can't put your subject in the middle. Rules are meant to be broken and you've done a good job here. I like it. This one would look great in black and white too!


  3. Hi Phil,

    Textbook composition here. Well done. I was about to say shame about the shaprness and then michael has come up with a solution for you (for onscreen anyway)

    Nice one!

  4. Phil, this is getting much closer to what I was trying to describe in the feedback on your other image. Less if more here. If only the tid bits of grass weren't in the water in foreground. Oh well can't win them all. Nice one!



    Hi Phil,

    Your colour saturation is much better in this one. Its still got some punch but hasn't gone all blotchy and off-hue like the other one you posted up.

    The cloud adds some interest in the sky which is nice and the mirrored effect on the water is always helpful but i still think the image might be lacking a focal point of point of interest. My eye scans around the image and never really lands on anything (eg, a boat). Sometimes when there isn't much in terms of a point of interest the best thing to do is simplify it even further. Sometimes even a change of perspective can help here.

    Taking two steps to the right and squatting right down may have provided a different, more simplified result with the cloud as the focal point. Less grass in the water, more reflection, the middle ground (choppy waves in distance) would have been left out, the cloud could have been the interest point in the water as well as the sky. I'm guessing of course not knowing what is out of frame here.

    Looks like you're putting yourself in the right spot at the right time though. Next time you get a spot like this take the photograph from 4 different perspectives. Standing, squatting low down, more sky, more water. I think you'll find your photos will improve quickly.

    Cheers, Marty


  5. Hi Phil,

    The location seems to have a bit of potential and could provide you a lot of interesting shots.

    I agree with Charlie though. A correction of the tilted horizon will help and the image if way over saturated. If you're after a more punchy outcome for you image this is a good candidate for a strong black and white conversion. Give it a try :)





    Thanks Maran, glad you like it.

    The building behind me was reflecting all the sunlight and I did think the tilt would add a bit of extra dimension in this scenario.

    Cheers Marty

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