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Image Comments posted by guy_michaeli

  1. To enjoy this picture use the large view (I have uploaded this small

    for slow internet users). Then you get to see the cat getting out of

    the box. I liked the fact that the light was on to of the cat while I

    took this picture.

  2. I was riding a bus from Delhi to Manali. We have stopped in an obscure bus station on the way. This gentleman took out bread from his bag and gave the little kid. The cow came closer to check the action. This is when I came in with my camera.

    Any comment will be appreciated



    India is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Taking nice pictures there is almost like cheating, you just have to press the button to get a great picture. Still, Comments are more then welcomed.

    This picture was taken with a slow slide film. I like the darkness and tried to frame the picture with the concrete slab in the lower left.

  3. These are just few of the steps on the way to the ABC (Anapurna Base

    Camp) at Nepal. This picture was croped at the top to let the steps

    end near the end of the picture. Would you do any thing different


  4. Nice picture. A good idea to use the stream as a guide into the scene. The reflection of the sky on the water is a nice touch too. Try croping it below and above the water line and you get a nice panorama pic.
  5. I loved the color and use of shadow. I think I would have moved a bit more to the right and use the ARCH as a frame. By doing this you could have prevented the cropping of the Dome. Jerusalem is a magical place to take pictures.




    NICE!, I really enjoyed this. Taking garbage and making it art.

    BTW, How do you turn all the objects in the picture B&W and leave just one in color?

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