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Image Comments posted by spamgod

  1. i was in washington dc shortly after sept 11. the place was swarming with plaza cops. i spent a day amusing myself by taking pictures of them. i shot this group by aiming the camera off the side and guess on exposure and focus.


    my timing was a bit off and i missed some of their antics, but it's still clear that they were bored and goofing around.

  2. i bought my first car in 1993. my own christine was a '64 dodge dart. sunbaked in the desert for a year as the previous owner hung himself in his studio. i bought it from a friend of the family for a hundred dollars.


    i had to take the ignition to a locksmith to get a key cut. never had keys for the doors or the trunk.


    every year we celebrate nukestock. large tribal homecoming parties in the desert. that year, we played a game of "guess what's in my trunk". at the end of the game, i removed the back seats, crawled into the trunk and unbolted the lock from the inside..


    what was in my trunk? a skull, a chainsaw, and a motorcycle helmet.

  3. i had taken my girlfriend to garfield conservatory. i was snapping pictures at the Chihuly's and we were remarking about about how

    cthutonic these strange glass pesudopods and twisting shapes were.


    when we found the squid cherub, we both started laughing and did a little yog-sothoth dance.

    ia ia cthulhu f'thagn cthulhu f'thagn. ;)


    i have other chihuly shots that i'll submit if there's any interest.




    i snuck onto the roof of my office to take this. kudos to the security guard for showing me the super secret stairwell. i'll upload a couple more as time permits.
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