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Image Comments posted by mike_sea

    Heidy II


    Happy smile, happy short that stands out from the background and happy flowers. Nice bokah and diagonal lines in the background without disturbing my eye.


    NicelY done Aivar


    Nice shot, like the space offered in front of the woman. Would perhaps have liked the power pole to be absent. Maybe wait g another step of two would have cleaned up the frame.

    Photo frame


    This isn't the type of shot I normally appreciate, but this is an exception.


    The composition and production of this image is wonderful, even the dark area seems to work.





    Hey SIna,


    There are lots of contradiction and breaking of rules in this frame...all of which seem to make sence. It feels like a shot about textures...but then loneliness, then intimacy...all of which I can argue strongly for.  Then the little break of repetition in te top right...it all works for wrong reasons.


    I do like it...I like the framing and given the varying elements that normally I wouldn't like, these come together as a theme IMHO.



    Nice work



    Mike Sea

    Her nature


    Hey Blaz,


    This is a lovely setting, i love the way you have used complimenting colour of forground and background surrounding the slightly differing colour of your model.


    Two things that you could consider.

    1. the tree growing out of the models head.
    ..although I am sure you know this.

    2. The large bright area, particularly above the models right shoulder steels my attention due to its brightness but then leads me nowhere. Might be a good argument for a little burning in PS.  If you don't like that idea, consider that in the "olden" days of wet photography they would have dodged and burnt this image to their hearts content with no complaint

    Other than that, this is a very nice image

    Keep up the good work


    Mike Sea

  1. Hey RA,


    Nice image...I can imagine some desolate music topping this image off.


    I like the repetition of theme through the road, snow, fence etc. I also like the way you have captured the isolation of this image.


    The large empty triangle in the foreground is a little disconcerting with my eye searching forlornly for something in the large area to keep my eye.  Perhaps a slightly lower angle and bringing the road all the way to the right third may have helped this.


    Either way, a nice image


    Mike Sea



    Lovely shot.  Understated single flash for fill (I imagine) and enough detail to tell you so much through her smile, her bright eyes and even the gentle detail under her eyes seem to come together nicely in this image


    Nice work

  2. G'day Lannie,


    I see your simple rustic style shines and develops over time...even a touch or macro in there as well.


    So nice to see your work again and how it continues to evolve.


    I have just come back from Antarctica.

    While I never paste my good work online, if you are interested, drop me a line and I will email some small versions to have a peek at.



    Mike Sea


    PS Happy New Year

    PPS Nikon Australia loaned me a D3 - the first to go to Antarctica - it is awesome





    Nice shot.


    Just a little suggestion would be to enahnce the levels a little in the dark areas. As they currently stand, I feel the darkness a little too distracting.



    Mike Sea

  3. Hey Cal,


    This is so very nearly an iconic shot. Clearly you have the eye for the shot but maybe some thoughts on technique will turn great shots likes above into an awesome keeper.


    For mine, the background mountain is too washed out and the foreground nicely saturated but perhaps a little too much or lacking in detail.


    Two suggestions come to mind.


    A. I little time to the levels in Photoshop could even out the shot or...


    B. Take two shots a differing spot metered settings then bring them together. The pundits won't like this suggestion but sometimes...


    As an after thought, use a Gradiated ND filter.


    Good luck with your work.



    Mike Sea

    Brighton Jetty


    Hi Paul,


    After looking through you portfolio on this forum, I have to say..."give up your night job" - I am assuming it is wedding photography.


    Your eye , creativity and composition work are beyond words.


    I must admit that I wonder why people put their best work on these sites...I would never do that...only my second level shots reach these pages for protective reasons.



    Good luck with your big future Paul



    Mike Sea






    Capturing flames is something I have tried for years to attain....This one frame exceeds any of my attempts...now where are those matches...



    Nice work


    Mike Sea

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