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Posts posted by ivsimler

  1. <p>I just received a refurb d600 from Adorama as well. After digging around to figure out how to find the number of shots (Just switched from an F100 so its not obvious to me), I discovered I only had about 90 actuations.</p>

    <p>I'm not sure how I would feel about 5,000 to tell you the truth. The price discount would probably make it worthwhile to me, but on the other hand that does seem quite "used".</p>

  2. This "long in the tooth" crap for Nikon's primes is gibberish... Sounds like too many people are being affected by upgrade-itis....typical these days.


    My 20mm 2.8 AF-D is a fine lens. One of my favorites on my F100 (bought it oh so long ago...5 years...I shudder). There MIGHT be issues with digital cameras..and their light-wells (light is better if it comes straight into them as I understand it), but I seriously doubt it.


    Screwdriver lens? On a 20mm lens that takes about a 1/10th of a second to focus.... AF-S would be worthless for such a small amount of glass.

  3. This posting inspired me to go replace the foam on the focus screen for my C220F a few

    days ago. It seems much easier for the C220 than your C330.


    I just pulled off the finder hood. slid a little slide and could pull out the screen with no

    problem. My foam was definitely gunky as hell and luckily I had foam left over from doing

    the film back several years ago. It also allowed me to clean off the mirror very gently...I never

    knew I could do that so easily! My focus screen has never been so clear and bright!

  4. I have two 5x7 images with matching resolutions fit on one 8.5x11 image area (again with the same

    resolution) in Photoshop. It shows the images with the right borders, etc....


    When I just printed it using my 7960 printer...both images came out basically 1/8 wider and taller (so the

    borders are completely screwed up). I have checked my settings and neither the printer driver or the print

    with preview window have been set to scale the image so it should print what I see right? Any ideas?


    Oh and I'm using a Mac.

  5. The focusing mechanism of my ~4yr old Sigma EX 28-70 /2.8 lens seems to have just broken (its

    extremely stiff to turn...and I think maybe something stripped..) When I do turn it by hand the focusing

    screw is still turning in the back, but I don't think the lens is actually focusing over at least part of the



    Is it worth taking it somewhere to see if it can be fixed or does it sound like a major problem with the


  6. I have literally no problem with medium format film in my area (Chicago) You can always

    buy the film mail order (B&H Photo; bhphotovideo.com). You can also find mail order film

    processiing/printing/scanning for reasonable prices.....


    Medium format is far far far from being dead....


    In terms of equipment...I think it depends on what you like... Personally I LOVE the look of

    square prints...so a 645 camera isn't something I would personally consider.... A 67 kit

    would be fun...but I don't have the cash...and will stick with my mamiya c220 TLR that

    does allow lens changes (though I don't have any) and was found on Ebay for $150.

  7. I refoamed the door on my C220 with no problem without removing anything. I bought the

    refoaming kit from somebody or another easily found mentioned here on Ebay... The

    instructions were easy.. And the rotting foam wasn't much of a problem to remove.

  8. I just bought an old kodak 600 slide projector at a garage sale for $10. It turns on and light comes out,

    but I'm not sure if the fan is operating.....


    Should the fan turn on IMMEDIATELY...or does it have to get hot first before the fan works? It definitely

    hasn't been used in a while.....


    The "fan" setting doesn't turn on the fan immediately, but I don't know if it should either....


    If the fan is broken can it be easily fixed?

  9. I recently obtained an Epson 750 as well and I also live in Chicago...spooky..... I've loaded up

    a couple of single images I've taken using my mamiya tlr and scanned onto my photo pages

    here recently....


    I contacted Aztek about wet-mounting supplies in the area and they said to try "Enovation

    Graphic Systems" and said that not all of the locations stocked the kami fluid. They also have

    their own "starter" pack they can ship UPS ground for $160.

  10. Yeah...this doesn't sound right....at all...dual processor g5's are pretty amazing



    You are also asking a bunch of photographers about computer tech stuff.... *8^)


    If you want real tech stuff..maybe try macosxhints.com. There are true tech geeks there

    who will be more than willing to offer some tech stuff. In my experience, lots of newbies

    have posted problems there....and some of the moderators have asked them to do some

    pretty complicated stuff in the terminal application (usually by telling you exactly what to

    type) and post the results...and VOILA they come up with the problem and solutions. And

    no I'm not affiliated with them at all.


    You can also just take it to the apple store and deal with their "genius" bar...which I have

    taken to calling the morons at the juice bar...but they can eventually get you fixed up.

  11. The last time I used my C220 a few months ago I noticed that the foam

    was rotting away at the bottom of the camera...(it was leaving "slime"

    on the paper backing of the film... So I removed it. I have not used

    it since. Looking at the mechanism it seems like it would be light

    tight without the foam... Can anybody comment on this?


    I am probably going to waste a roll of film to test it, but if its a

    definite problem in somebody's experience, then I would rather save

    the film + development costs.

  12. I recently came across a Chrome-series 135mm lens for a Mamiya TLR for

    $125 that appears to be in excellent shape. Is this a good price for

    something that would have a "decent" return policy (i.e. I will have

    the time to run a roll of film through it to see if the shutter is

    working)? Its being sold by a good camera store I've been a customer

    of for years...


    I see KEH has a black series lens for cheaper, but it is described as

    being in "bargain" shape.

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