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Image Comments posted by jon_wilson

    Old House

    Thanks Dawid. It is one of my favorite shots. Taking it without a shutter does present some challenges and is best done while bracketing the shot.
  1. Sometimes one takes a photograph and there is more too it than

    originally seen in the viewfinder. This rock formation was located

    off the side of the road driving south between Jackpot, NV and Vegas.

    Boise Depot


    Boise Depot taken handheld with Bronica ETRSi 75mm PE f2.8 lens with

    polarizer and AEIII spot meter w/ aperture set at f16. Fuji reala

    ISO 100.

    #2 Daughter.4-05


    Equipment: Bronica ETRsi, AEIII spotmeter, Bronica Zena PE 75mm

    f2.8 lens; handheld. Photograph taken in natural light: f11 @ 1/60

    w/ Bronica diffused filter. Weather: Overcast day with photograph

    taken between rains. Fujicolar NPS 160 film rated at ISO 160. 4/05.

  2. I like it, except I would prefer a circular vinegiting (sp) as compared with rectangular darkening around the photograph. I prefer more of the "tunnel" effect from circle or alternatively maybe have the vinegiting (sp) more pronounced.

    #2 Daughter


    Photograph was taken using Tachihara 4x5 w/ 8 1/2" (210mm)Dagor Red

    Dot Artar at f16 for approximately 1/5 second. Velvia ISO50. Tripod

    and cable release used. No filter. No special lighting. Taken on

    cloudy day between rains.

    Old House


    Photograph was orignally framed with 8x10 Eastman Kodak D2 using APO-

    Nikkor 480mm barrel lens, then 4x5 back used for exposing

    photograph. Photograph was taken in late December, 2004 afternoon on

    a relatively warm day (mid-40's & partially cloudy) Used Velvia

    rated at ISO 50. Estimate exsposure at 6 seconds w/ f64. No filter

    used. The camera set up was approximately 30 feet from the structure

    and the inner room appeared to be a minimum of 12 feet from the

    interior wall to the house's weathered exterior


    It is a nice picture, but as the others have commented, I agree it could be a little sharper and I would have brought the flower higher in the picture (less green at top). The colors are nice.

    Floating Deer

    It truly is a "timely" shot. Very nice composition, but I would also agree with the comment concerning "cropping" the top portion of the picture. It is an extremely nice picture which catches the moment.
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