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John Peri

PhotoNet Pro
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Status Updates posted by John Peri

  1. Hello Laurie .. is this message private? When I open my galleries, photos taken over ten years ago appear first. Is there any way to reverse this - with several hundred photos in some of the galleries it is not possible to imagine doing this pic by pic. Thank you for your kind help. John
    1. Laurie1


      Hi John, Yes, I think this is like Private Msg in the old Pnet. I looked in my own galleries just to check, and I couldn't see a way to put them in order except "by hand". It's okay for me with only a few photos but a lot of hard work for someone like yourself who has hundreds. Hopefully it will be something they will fix. Sorry I can't be of more help, if I do find something I will let you know Best regards Laurie
    2. gordonjb


      Apparently not private as this showed up when I clicked on Laurie's name in another thread.
    3. Laurie1


      Thanks Gordon, I didn't realise that. I see there is another option called "Conversation" under "Inbox". I will have to try it out and see if this is equivalent to the "PM" of old.
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