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Image Comments posted by andrew_lee2

    Autumn 2005

    I love the muted tones, somber feel, and generally stark treatment on this. I think it captures Autumn quite well. One of the more interesting cloud pix (although beyond face value, this is far more than but a mere "cloud pic") I've seen in a very long time.

    Light my fire

    The color, light, moment captured, and model are nice, but the photo doesn't appeal to me. A 50mm lens with approx. 1.5x field-of-view crop = aprox. 75mm, and gauging from how much the subject proper fills the frame, it looks like the photo wasn't taken from close range, and hence (for me) intimacy and immediacy are lost; I feel like a detached observer, almost a voyeur, sitting a cafe table or two away. Personally, I think the photographer would have had a stronger picture had he used a shorter lens and photographed closer to his subject, or even if he had used his existing 50mm lens to shoot his subject as a head-and-shoulders photograph (which would have resulted in a vastly different photograph, but which I still think would have had much more impact than the existing photo).
  1. Ralph, this is a beautiful photograph- very delicate. Perhaps it gets overlooked because 1) it doesn't have any people, and 2) urban landscapes are hard to "understand."

    This is actually one of my favorites of yours (and I definitely think it should be on your web site!), which is surprising even to me because I enjoy your people photographs so much.

  2. Juarez! I like Ciudad Juarez a lot and made a couple (read: two) of nice pictures there myself. Sadly, it's supposed to be a really dangerous town for women (and Mexican women specifically), as I'm sure you already know (lots of abductions, etc.).
  3. I think you have a unique opportunity here. "Street photographers" in the places you mention (NYC, LA, SF, Chicago) are a dime a dozen. New Mexico (and the Southwest in general) is a special place-some of my favorite photography is from that area (Stephen Shore "Uncommon Places," Richard Avedon "In the American West," Nick Waplington "Truth or Consequences")-and not very many people shoot it. I look forward to continuing seeing what you get out of this unique subject (and contrary to conventional wisdom, it might not be a bad idea sometimes to take a few steps back to give the photos more context). Try giving your subject (New Mexico and its inhabitants) a special treatment instead of trying to re-create the "big city" street photography with New Mexicans simply acting as stand-ins for New Yorkers.
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