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Image Comments posted by c._k._nakagawa


    I like the lines in this photo. I find the Chinese characters on her shirt distracting; they are not large enough to be read for the most part (except the top one). The light also seems a bit harsh off the woman's forehead and right shoulder. Her look is nice, but I'm not sure what the feeling is supposed to be.
  1. This looks a bit too red...even the woman's face has a red tint to it. Perhaps that is natural, but it doesn't look like it. I like the woman, her expression, her clothes. She's an interesting subject. I don't like the composition, however. The woman looks harshly cut off at the bottom, and it a bit too centered. Perhaps if you cropped a little more off the right, or just cropped it tighter to make it more like a portrait.
  2. This is one of the first macro shots I took and didn't immediately

    toss when I got it back from the lab. I'd appreciate any comments

    suggesting how I could make this better, or, if you happen to like

    it, what you think works. Thank you.

  3. Thanks for your comment Michelle. I tried to adjust the colors as you suggested, which did bring it closer to the stunning color of the actual flower, but the uploaded picture there now is still not the same as I see in Photoshop...I'm not sure what to do to remedy this problem. Thanks for your help.
  4. I really like this photo. The sharp shadows on the white church surface is stunning. In a way, I feel that it adds an almost ominous feeling, as if something dark is looming over or before the church. I think that feeling, if you wanted to go with it, would be better served by a comment from previous poster suggesting you burn in the branches so that there are only shadows (or you could do that in Photoshop). Nicely done.
  5. I agree with the above poster about both the depth of field and the third flower. I don't know, though, I tried experimenting with the image a bit, cropping it, and I don't know if I like it more without the bottom flower. I do like the lines of the leaves and mixed lighting (looks like light filtering through trees). Shallower DOF would be good, I think.
  6. The shadow cast to the right by the center bulb is nice. As other posters have commented, the evening light is nice and emphasizes the texture of the daffodil. I am not sure, however, why the tips of the two petals have been cropped. Perhaps I am just boring, but it seems distracting to me when something like that is missing. . . The depth of field is also very nice; I like the fact that the leaves in the foreground are clear while those in the background are softer. Very nice "portrait."
  7. I really like the use of the macro here. The side light is very nice and the color and sharpness are great. The shadows on the leaf are fantastic. I like the solitude of the leaf, and I think the touch of color in the upper right corner prevents the background from becoming monotonous. Looking at this leaf makes me really wish I had one more autumn in Japan to use my (new) macro....
  8. The colors in this photo are excellent. I would have liked to have seen the background with a little more blur, but the stark colors of the tulips and that wonderful blue fire hydrant do a pretty good job of standing out by themselves. Perhaps if you put the hydrant a little more off center than it is....just a thought.
  9. Thank you Chris and Michelle. I've cropped out the black on the right, but I've left the two panels on the left because I thought that the feeling of isolation was not present without them. I tried it in Photoshop, but I didn't think it worked so well. Thank you both for your suggestions.


    I really like the way this photo turned out on the infrared, the kind of ghostly way it looks. I think I would like to see more of the sky, which looks great, dark and light mingling nicely. Also, I would like to see more of the tree. As it is now, a good portion of your main subject is hidden behind a bush....perhaps if you moved to the right, you could get a clearer shot of the tree, and I think you might skew the fence a little, which could make the eerie/mystic feeling of the photo more powerful. But, all this is just my amateur opinion.



    I enjoy street photography, and I like this image, but I'm not sure

    how "good" it is...comments would be appreciated. Please leave some

    comment if you leave a rating, especially if it's a poor rating.

    Thank you.

  10. I passed this "scene" on a little street in Beijing, just east of the

    Forbidden City. I thought the colors were and the arrangement of the

    objects were interesting, and so I snapped off a few shots, but this

    is the only one I liked. Please let me know what you think, positive

    or negative.


    Thank you.

  11. This photo, as I think I noted in the technical details, was

    partially an accident. The noted blur is due to my lowering my

    camera too quickly, and yet I think it is the blur that saves the

    picture. I'd appreciate any feedback you have, positive or


  12. I agree with the previous poster that the bottom seems a bit dark. Also, the dense light at the top left seems to distract my eye from the flower itself. Although I'm not sure you would have wanted to do this, is there a way you could have done a faint front lighting of just the bulb of the flower? I particularly like the way the letter of "Ball" stands out so clearly, and I would like to have seen that in the bottom "DEAL" as well. Nice photo overall, with a very good idea behind it.
  13. I'm an amateur myself, but I might have tried either a lower or higher camera angle (maybe both), to see how it would affect the prominence of the car in the frame. I think a lower camera angle would have made the car feel larger, though I don't know what feeling you were going for here. The cat on the hood is nice, just too bad it wasn't black (or at least more easily visible).



    I'm just getting into photography and I would deeply appreciate any

    suggestions you have. Please feel free to be critical; as long as

    it's not meant to just be offensive, I can deal with it. Also, if

    you leave low or kind of low ratings, please leave a comment

    explaining it. Thank you for your help.

  14. I didn't see the original, but this is a fantastic portrait. The expression is, as others have noted, priceless. The shadowing enhances it, adding to his somewhat worried and anxious look. Great job.

    A boy and a girl


    I like this picture. It's simple and nice, good use of shadowing. It's unusual, too, which makes it more fun to look at. There's something nostaligic about this, the way children play with their feet more, but adults don't....


    Good photo.

  15. Great composition, with the use of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines, and great colors, the red, blue, and the shadows are all nice. I think it could have used just a bit more blue on the top, but it's a great photo.
  16. Please note that Im an amateurs amateur. . . . .


    Mainly, I think you should crop the taller and darker (and hence more noticable) trees on the left, and even the small one far to the right. This would direct more attention to the little tree beneath the cloud.


    My other thoughts include trying to touch it up (digitally) so that the little tree is more prominent in the photo. This is one of the problems, I feel, with the photo: one of your two main subjects is not prominent, actually being overshadowed by the dark treeline in the back.


    Although I dont own one (yet) and havent used one either (yet), I think a gradual ND filter might have allowed for a darker sky, which here looks a little washed out.


    Water on Spoon

    I really like the way you've frozen the movement. The water droplets are elegant. I think it might have been better had the bottom of the spoon not been cut off that little bit. Also, you might have wet the back of the sink for a more even looking surface, though I don't know if that is possible. Nice overall effect.
  17. I like the reflection in the "egg," but I think it could have been brought out more if the camera angle had been rotated a little more to the left, giving a more direct view of the reflection. This rotation also would have given a better view of the thing beneath the egg, while only slightly skewing the view of the dragon.
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