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Image Comments posted by michael_fenton

  1. Great shot. And, though it's small, I really like your portfolio here on Photo.net I have been trying unsuccessfully to create interesting borders using Photoshop. You've obviously mastered this technique... Do you have any advice? I especially like the border on the shot of the strange pattern on the wall, I believe you said that was your first shot.
  2. I like it. The abstract visual appearance goes great with your friend's mixing. I can't articulate it very well, but I like the idea embedded somewhere within that, whether intended or not.
  3. I'm not a big fan of this shot, mainly because it is not interesting in a compositional sense. The onyl thing that stands out is the odd color, but that doesnt't a whole lot for me.


    Nice work. Great timing as far as the bee is concerned. I feel that if it was centered, the image would be far less succesful. My only criticism (and it may simply be my monitor) is in reference to the colors. They seem duller than I would imagine them in reality, especially on the bee. But hey, if that's what it looked like, them I guess my complaint isn't really a complaint at all. Sorry for the rambling. :)


    Pretty dark. And the top is blown about somewhat, even though the exposure was not long enough for the fence/trees. I think this would be a great image if you did a longer exposure (or a larger aperture) and left the sky out of the composition entirely.


    Great shot. The tracks lead the eye on for a bit, and then disappear around the corner or into the woods. My only complaint is the top half of the image. Too much space seems to be adding nothing to the overall image. Maybe crop half or two-thirds or the trees out of the top of the pic? Again, I hope my comments are helpful.

    Mother Tree

    I really like this shot. It almost seems as if the tree is weeping, and the B&W format adds to this nicely. To be picky, and the thing that hurts the asthetic rating IMO: the tree itself lacks detail. It may be my monitor, but it seems a bit dark, especially considering that it is your main subject. The background (i.e. opposite side of the lake/river) steals too much attention because of its comparative detail and brightness. Hope the comments are helpful...
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