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Image Comments posted by john_hansen_flaschen

    Jersey Blur 5

    I like this. It looks like water. Probably looks better on a wall than on a monitor. Would be more interesting without grain. See also the other images in Barry's folder.
  1. Never mind the cropping debate. I'm distracted by the sharpening halos. These are excessive at the interface between background trees and sky, and extreme between the bridge/people and the sky. Note the thick white lines around the dark posts.


    This can easily be avoided in Photoshop by:


    1) making two duplicate images as layers. 2) Sharpen both duplicate layers using the same algorithm (unsharp mask or whatever). 3) Reset the blending method for the first layer to Darken and adjust the Opacity slider until the dark side of the edges looks right.4) Reset the blending method for the second layer to Lighten and adjust until the light-side halo is just barely visible.


    There are other ways.

  2. To promote the discussion of color in this study of red-green-blue balance, I have posted a black and white version of Haart's image here. This is the green channel, otherwise unmodified. All of the compositional elements are preserved.

    Booty and the Beast


    Here is a modification of the image intended to bring out detail in the shadows.


    I used Fred Miranda's Shadow recovery Action at medium, followed by Unsharp Mask 20/10/0 followed by a 50% blend of Nic Sharpener Pro, Internet Autoscan, "Anna".


    Finally, I cropped the image and smoothed out a few jpeg artifacts I brought out with my sharpening.

  3. These boys practice summersaults and twists in a vacant lot on

    Lancaster Avenue in Philadelphia. Photographed hand-held in late

    afternoon after the boys tired of my presence and retunred to their


    Street Mural #2


    This is part of a mural painted on the wall of a rowhouse facing a vacant, fenced-in lot in a run-down but rapidly revitalizing section of West Philadelphia. The city currently has more than 2000 wall murals, some of which are superb.



    Cutty Sark #5


    Grab shot from knee height of a deck and mast painter on the last

    remaining tea clipper. Canon G2, ISO 50, 1/250, f4. No Photoshop

    manipulation other than 1) Unsharp Mask @ 50, 15.5, 2, followed by 2)

    Nik Sharpener, Internet/Autoscan, Anna profile bended, selectively @


    tug portal

    Wonderful composition. The rope seen through the portal is mysterious. Like a reflection but not. Are we seeing another line through a glass window--but then, where does the light come from? Is this a composite?



    Here is a quick re-working of your image in Photoshop. Post in sRGB colorspace with a largest dimension no greater than 800 pixels so that your images will fit on the monitor screens of viewers.

  4. Over the past decade, Philadelphia has successfully fought graffiti

    by commissioning thousands of street murals, small and large. This is

    one of the oldest. It faces a parking lot off Lancaster Avenue in

    West Philadelphia and is visible now only in the Winter.

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