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Posts posted by adrian_ngasi

  1. I do not think in order to survive one needs go to the extreme to carry very sophosticated instruments (no doubt though, it is nice to have such instruments). I have always carried a small flash light (carries 2 small AA batteries), a piece of broken/small mirror and a soccer whistle (it is a high pitched whistle compared to those carried by UK Constables). Also, having a Swiss Army knife will be helps too but not necessary (could tempt you to end your life or part with a vital body part for a photog). In most cases, majority of us are very poor geographers and tend to be carried away "clicking" and not take good look of our sorroundings to back track our trails!



  2. Chad,




    I saw the ads in the subway and will not miss. I was in Chicago

    sometime at the end of last year and saw an exhibit of EW at the Art

    Institute but was not impressed. The exhibit was not well done, the

    room was relatively dark and the prints were too many for a very

    small space, I hope at the Phillips it will be a bit different. I

    will check it out on the second week of the exhibit - I have been on

    openings at the gallery and it is not the place you want to share

    with the crowds - a bit too small for such a personality as EW.

  3. I will also be travelling to Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania early next

    month and given a lot of thought to the whole issue of travel and

    film. If the fact remains that, checked baggage scanning machines are

    more powerful than those for carry-on I would strongly suggest you

    carry your film with you on either to or from destination. It makes

    no sense to let bombs in the country by DHL i.e not scanning anything

    that is DHL, FEDEXed, TNTed, or US Post mail. All packages go through

    the same process regardless of either comming via air or sea - there

    is even scanning machines for containers, so what difference does it

    make to DHL??? Just carry and let them be scanned at the airport as a





    I will carry mine and not wasted $$ on DHL.

  4. I have an oportunity to buy an Omega D5XL (for B&W only). I am not so sure of the perfomance of the actual enlarger but, what tempts me are the goodies that come with it. 3 Componon-S lenses (50mm, 80mm & 150mm) all in prestine condition plus 6 glass & glassless negative carriers in various size to go with the lenses above. The total cost is $750 + taxes. I have inspected the enlarger, there is a wheel at the back missing but it does not affect the sturdiness of the equipment. I woul like to get your opinion on the perfomance of the equipment, I know the carriers and lenses by themselves are way over $750! Oh, all these lenses are attached to one lensboard - it works just like the microscope (there is a technical name for it, but I have forgot).





  5. I am looking for a manual or instructions in any form for the Shen Hao. I have been having dificult in closing it and it drives me crazy!! Please let me know if you have the instructions and I will reimburse you.









  6. Matt,




    I have been to Zion, nice place however, as mention in the last

    post catching beautiful light in the actually canyon could be a

    challenge, the poster's comments are very detailed and you should be

    fine. One other park that I have read a lot and have been toying with

    the idea of visiting in the Grant Escalante NP. It is not as

    developed and not your "wippy" tourist destination. If you are a

    hardcore hiker and love the vistas theis will be your fiesta. Do a

    search on Yahoo and you will possibly change your mind and head there

    instead of Bryce and Zion.









  7. Armin,




    I wouldn't want to be too philosophical here to describe art for

    me. REcently a friend and I went to a gallery opening and there were

    several rooms and in the final room we passed two oil prints and both

    of us, from the corner of our eyes noticed them and nodded - we

    finished the evening buying both prints (to be delivered after the

    exhibit). Here, the definition still will be something like the

    "utility" derived from the object.





  8. Douglas,




    I ordered the camera from Badger Graphics for $645 + other

    accessories. For the price it is a really bargain and the

    craftsmanship is very good (I have not touched or seen other wood

    cameras). I am extremely satisfied. I mounted my 180mm Symmar lens

    and checked for coverage and it is fine. I will recommend if budget

    is a constraint. The only thing the camera is a bit heavy but not as

    torturous as say working at Burger King or a mine.





  9. From this very resourceful group, today my spanking new

    Shen Hao 45IIa arrived in my office and I cannot wait to get out of here!!!! Thanks a lot for all who have posted reviews and their honest opinions. Previously I was using a Baby Pacemaker Speed Graphic and gain a resevoir of skills and feel I am ready to try a 4X5. I own an old 180mm f5.6 Symmar lens that I am curious to know if it will cover a 4X5 without problem. Also, I have several other wide angel lenses but not sure if they will be a perfect match. I have a 65mm f3.5 Wollensak,127mm Ektar, a 101mm Ektar, and a 103mm f3.5 Xenar. Of all these lenses, which will be best to work with a 4X5 without any problems?









  10. I think most of you have define the issue very deeply. I view

    photography on the following basis 1) simplicity of the image 2) what

    will make the viewer ask him/herself what was the photographer

    thinking when taking the photo relatively to space, time, mood etc.

    Of couse light, texture, angle, shadows being constant. Serenity is

    for tourism commecial and art is about the powerful emotions the

    object conveys.





  11. Steve,




    I had the same or similar problem with my Speed Graphic Pacemaker

    (2X3)a while ago. One of the possible culprit will be the rail lock

    being a bit loose. Try to tighten it and see if the rail has no

    movement. If it is loose, when you focus the image appears sharp but

    when inserting the film holder a slight move will cause the

    bellows/rail to move thus creating unsharp image (you can not re-

    focus because you have no rangefinder). I find the rangefinder

    useless, it does not help much given a number of lenses one might

    use. Secondly, it is possible that your film was improperly placed in

    the film holder thus causing it to bulged, check that or you may want

    to run your finger on the inside edge of the film holder when

    finished loading to check if it is properly loaded - (do not worry,

    the residuals from your fingers gets washed when developing).





    That's my $0.2





  12. Enrique,




    It sounds to me you have not exploited you full creative capacity

    to the optimal level. I do not own a Technika - I own a Baby Speed

    Graphic and I have read amazing reviews about this camera. I find my

    Baby Speed very functional for what I do and you should push yourself

    a bit further in the exploitation of the camera. Most great

    photographers used worst cameras and yet produced timeless

    photographs. Go out and work harder with the camera and you'll enjoy






  13. David,




    Recently I redesigned my storage system to a relatively better one.

    I used to keep all my negatives in a binder folder just like other

    people have and discovered that I find it hard to find my negatives

    without leafing through the whole binder. I decided to buy a file

    cabinet from Office Depot and file them in hanging file

    alphabetically arranged by project name/place the negatives were

    taken. I also created a numbered database using ACCESS software

    giving titles/names and automatically assign index number before I

    file into the file cabinet. This process has reduced the leafing when

    I am looking for negatives to be printed. I will just go to the

    database search the project/name and get the index number and jump

    into the file cabinet and pull out exactly what I want. This has

    helped me reduce the rate of going crazy every time I am about to go

    to the lab - I no longer spend the evening organizing myself and

    missing my sleep or doing something else. I hope you will find this

    method useful.





  14. Wang,




    Your inqury depends on how you define landscape! Anyway, I will

    try to point a couple of places that might quench your photographic

    thirst. Take I-66 West to Warrenton, VA. Get into route 211 heading

    South/West towards Washington,VA. The stretch between Warrenton and

    Sperryville has some of the most beautiful farmland and rolling hills

    in the area. You may want to head further West towards New Market and

    take I-81 south too. Also, Route 340 West to Shennandoah State Park

    will be another place you would enjoy.




    Send me an e-mail, perhaps we could tag along one of these days when

    weather permits!





  15. Doug,




    I am currently using a "baby" Speed Graphic Pacemaker. I feel very

    comfortable using the a bigger camera compared to what I am using

    currently. You and other's advice is well appreciated and I am

    looking into more specific details between the two cameras.




    Thanks a lot,


  16. Hi there!




    Santa arrive but got robbed on his way! Anyway, due to budget constraints and other committments I have been considering the to buy a Tachihara 45GF or a Shen-Hao NZX 4X5-IIA. I would like to hear from user or either of the two cameras on the following things:




    1. Construction

    2. Functionality

    3. Operations - setting the equipment

    4. Accessories - availability, cost, compatibility

    5. Durability

    6. Bellows draw

    7. Other useful Pros/Cons




    Thanks a lot,





  17. Hi there,




    I just acquired a Schneider Symmar 180f5.6 Lens (older version - 1970's I think) on Ebay and I was wondering what your experiences have been in terms of perfomance of this lens. It is in a Compur shutter. I will be using it as an exclusive lens for my 4X5 Speed Graphic. It is also for B&W only. What do you think its perfocrmance for colour negative will be?






  18. Larry,




    I have on occassion tried Kodak Ektalure when I couldn't find Agfa

    Multicontrast Premium (RC). I am currently exploring Berger Prestige

    Variable Contrast (NB) fiber based (Glossy). I have finished the

    first 25 pack and I have enjoyed and love it. It is a bit warm

    compared to Agfa or Ilford Pearl Multicontrast (Cooltone). The

    glossiness in this paper isn't as obvious as in other papers. It is

    relatively cheap too, try it in place of Kodak's Ektalure you might

    like it.





  19. Could someone enlighten me on the Omega B8 enlarger? I was a the camera store this evening and the clerk recommended that to consider a package of this enlager that encludes a timer, easel, darkroom light, 3 different sizes for negative carrier and a couple of other accessories for $699.00. Is it the best deal (equipmentwise and not quantity)? I was considering a Saunders 6X7 enlarger for $100 more withought neg. carrier or lens!












    NB: Comments will be appreciated if the argument is based on quality and not quantity.

  20. In October I bought a 11X14 Agfa paper named above at a local store in my neighbourhood. A month later I went to a community lab (recently open with new and working equipment) and tried to print a couple of my 2 1/4 X 3 1/4 sheet film. I was supreise to see a line running from top to bottom at the same place for more that 10 papers. I tried printing using different negatives, machines and even lenses but the line wouldn't go and I concluded that it was a factory defect. I took the paper back and I was given the same type of paper (they were very generous and understanding). This past Sunday I went to the lab again and the same thing happened with a line stretching from top to bottom and did all possible tests and decided to use my 8 X 10 (same paper) for printing and never got the "irritationg" line. This afternoon I called the store and registered the complaint and they said they will exchange or give me refund (I will exchange). My questions is, has anyone of you come accress similar problem? I can provide you with the lot number 084779257117.





  21. Kevin,




    I have not seen this exhibit yet and I do not think it will be

    coming my way (Washington, D.C). Anyway, a couple of years ago I had

    an opportunity to see AA's exhibit here and D.C at the National

    Prtrait Gallery just before it was closed for renovation. This

    exhibit inspired me to start working in B&W. I have no doubt, the

    SFMOMA will convert thousands into B&W. I have several times browsed

    the book accompanying the exhibit and was lucky to here the person

    who organized it on AandE's Arts program one Sunday morning. If I had

    an opportunity I would have attended and realy study the exhibit.





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