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Image Comments posted by francis_huang

    Its also a flower


    As a snack, the locals who planted these beautiful flowers would just

    crush the drying pod and pop the many tiny black seeds into the mouth.

    What do you think of the flowers, the idea of the seeds as a snack,

    the photo?

  1. Could've been anywhere or on any other mode of transportation.

    If you are in there, or in a car or subway train or bus to work,

    you'd probably be only having some mundane chores in your mind as

    these people seem to be having.

    Sometimes nothing can be so different.

  2. Alan, My cam (film) doesn't have the PS thing. Can the picture be digitally made good?


    Zack, Wasn't a very bright day, but you are absolutely right. Sun's pointing at back of his head.


    Got another shot of him, better lighting but expression not as good. Thanks for comment


  3. Thanks for the comments. U r both spot-on on excessive brightness. My monitor is near the end of its useful life and hence the extra 'bright'adjustment I had to make for it to look good, albeit only on my monitor.

    Thanks too Ciaran for the effort.

    Udomxai market


    She spoke a language unmistakably close to Mandarin Chinese, and yet,

    she could not produce what she said in writing, for her people never

    had a written language.

    No one knew when and how many full-moons ago that the long ridges of

    the highland in mid-southern China extendedly brought them to the

    north of Lao where they had been living for a long while since.



    It could not be more appropriate that I found the caption in Hong

    Kong. To me it symbolises what makes HK tick. The ironic twist is that I

    came across it in the most expensive subsurb of the former colony,

    Victoria Peak.

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