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Posts posted by my_pics

  1. Thanks again to all of you. I do understand that an individual here or there may incur a problem. I've seen in some of the threads that a few D100s have had a bit of a pixel problem. But I imagine this is minimal. Before I bought my Sony CD-RW camera, I did a serious Net search and found one guy who cursed it, saying the read/writing to the CD is utterly non-dependable. No other person had such a complaint. My MVC-CD400 has been "rock solid" in this area.


    Thanks Todd for your suggestion. I am planning to have four separate flash units setup around the bait used to draw subjects. These units tout a reach of up to 85 feet (more than I'll need). They will each be about the same distance from the bait as the camera and they will use their own built-in exposure sensors. In the blind, I'll have all four running through a switching device which will allow me to choose which flash(es) to use in a given shot. What I'll have to learn is how multiple flashes react when they all are using built-in sensors. I may find myself setting to a manual setting. It is my thinking (before even owning the D100), to do fully manual exposures: focus and aperture/DOF. I may lose a few shots until I perfect the setup; but once perfected, I won't have to trust the camera to make decisions for me.


    Thanks to all of you for your prompt and gracious replies.

  2. Marco,


    Your comments cause concern. I own 80 acres of woodland and at present am setting up a spot to bait several different kinds of animals near a blind. At least half of my shooting will be night work, particularly racoons and fox. I'm currently using off-camera flash with my Mavica and my worn-out Canon SLR. With the Mavica, it's enough headache trying to have a focused image in the dark. Missing shots because the camera is sluggish is intollerable. Thank you for your post.

  3. Thanks to each of you for the positive answer (Sitting here grinning). "Put everything in manual and it is limited only by the time it takes to get the mirror out of the way." Thanks, Craig.
  4. Hi,


    I am seriously considering purchasing the Nikon D100, in part

    because of it's ability to be controled by a remote computer. The

    nearest camera shop is an hour away and they carry only a few

    cameras. After that, the nearest one is nearly 3 hours away; so

    hands on shopping is not a good option. My question has to do with

    shutter lag, which I'm told is common among digital cameras. In

    December, I purchased a Sony Mavica MVC-CD400 and it's a nice camera

    as long as there is no need for quick shooting and instant

    captures. Shutter lag is horrible and prevents successful shooting

    of insects, wildlife, etc. When the shutter button is depressed on

    the D100, how quickly does the camera capture the image?



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