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Posts posted by olegkin

  1. Paige, I take pictures of my 3.5 years old child often and here some notes. There is an age (around 3) when child moves almost constantly. If you look carefully you will see that she does not "freeze" at all. It is really hard to get good focus with narrow dof at such time. And your camera has a small viewfinder, so it is an additional trouble. That's why your friends are time (older child will "freeze" more often), deep dof, fast shutter speed, external flash probably. Don't be afraid of higher iso, try and see what works for you. TV is your friend also, but child will look like a mannequin in the pictures. Insult will stop a baby for a moment also - http://www.niteart.com/gallery/portraits1/050917_1_6315.jpg.html :)
  2. I have 645E and totally happy with quality of this camera. There is a problem though... It is big, so I prefer to take 35mm camera with me in most of the trips and it is hard to take pictures without tripod.

    You can use MLU, but you don't see what are you shooting when it is handheld, right ? So most of the time 645e stays at home. If I had my current knowledge earlier, I would buy MF rangefinder, probably mamiya 7 or fuji...

  3. Nationalism is when you are against others,

    Patriotism is when you are for one's own people.


    P.S. Sorry, this is probably not the best translation from Russian, but it should give an idea.


    "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."

  4. So, I am not alone! :)

    After 10 something years of ignorance to my child/teenage hobby I bought a digital camera. Lucky me it broke, and it took a month to repair it. I bought a film camera because could'n wait for it and forgot completely about digital. G1 lie on

    the table for a month and nobody took a picture with it, and a lot

    of pictures are taken with film cameras.

    Even worse, I will develop b/w films myself this weekend as it was at the good old times.

    I discovered that digital kills the fun from picture taking! And film

    is so much fun !

    BTW, is there any place in NYC where I can rent b/w darkroom for cheap ? Apartments are so tiny here, no place for a darkroom :)

  5. Andy,

    Any scan program make two things. First, it scans. Second, it interprets the data. Some programs do second job better than others.

    Probably first job works different too.

    I was amazed when I read how vuescan program works. It scans image once, and then allow you to apply different properties ( levels, mask, etc ) to the scan image stored in memory. So you can pretty fast apply different settings and choose the best image from the set.

    Now vuescan is my shopping list :)

  6. I scanned only negatives, but found something strange about scanner, film and software. I used to scan Fuji NPS with great results with any software in either auto mode or with a slight change of parameters. When I scanned Kodak Portra with TWAIN, I found that all details are lost in highlights and shadows. I tried a lot of changes in scan parameters without success, probably because of luck of experience. Then I tried Silverfast, and all details appeared but scan had strong orange cast, which is not a big problem. Then I scanned with trial version of vuescan. It provided best result with default settings with all details and without any visible cast.

    Also, keep in mind that it is not the best film scanner. It is so-so

    for 35mm, because of softness of the result.

  7. I bought 645e kit from b&h and than 55mm lenses from ebay and very happy with this system. Total cost is less than $1K. I am a great fun

    of digital solutions but there will be no any affordable digital system with comparable quality for 2-3 years yet. If you want quality and Fun today than go for MF! Buy just top of the iceberg, not the rest of it though :)

    Also, I am switching to digital postprocessing, because cost of using prof.lab is ridiculous high. And my apartment is too tiny to have a darkroom there.

  8. I bought 645e last August. I tried to find second hand MF camera at the same level of price and decided to go with 645e. Old cameras had some unpleasant defects of old cameras. Sure, that defects do not affect image quality, but I did not want to spend money on something looking/working bad. Everything old what looks fine costs much more than 645e. So far I am happy with the camera. It is easy to use, lightweight, has all neccesary features.

    I can send you a pictures, but it will not show you sharpness of the lenses, but quality of the scan and the scanner. I say lenses are sharp.

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