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Image Comments posted by michael_connaghan

  1. Ricardo - I think the only things detracting from this shot are the tyre marks in the dirt to the right and, to a lesser extent, the road sign on the left of the road. I think if you had stood level with the road sign, taking out the dirt as well, it would have been a great shot. 4/5



    This guy was watching us tuck into our Easter Eggs this morning. A

    good chance to try out a borrowed 100-300mm lens. Maybe not as sharp

    as I would have liked, but I'd be interested in any suggestions for




    Her first time climbing the slippery dip without help. I'm not sure if

    this will look better in black and white - might try later and see how

    itt compares. Comments, critiques and ratings always welcome.

  2. I was trying to get that Rene Asmussen look about this shot, so it's

    been pretty heavily manipulated. The shot was taken just as the sun

    started to rise - I kind of like the effect, but would be happy for

    any critiques, ratings, ideas.



    Any Gary Rush fans out there? From my classic cars series - Rushy's

    old sprint car. Comments, suggestions, ratings welcome.



    Another from my classic cars series. This old beetle brought back

    memories of my old '66 bug - great cars! Comments, suggestions,

    ratings welcome.

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