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Posts posted by tony_rafaat

  1. Hello,

    I'm currently shooting a 10D w. A 550EX. I too am experiencing ongoing issues with inconsistent flash output. I routinely shoot with Av set to 1/200s and in auto focus mode. More often than not my shots are skewed to the left end of the histogram with approx. 25% having to be reshot. I recently sent a note to my dealer looking for some guidance on this issue. Fortunately, one of the earlier posts directed me to a site which confirmed my suspicions, ie. Canon knows there's a problem w. EX flash and Canon DSLRs. Be that as it may, does custom func. 4 relate to this issue of FEL? If so, does one select 0,1,2,or 3 for generally best results? Perhaps I need to re-read both of my manuals in order to glean some manner of divine direction. Hmmm, can you tell I'm getting tired of the inconsistency?

    Thanks for the informative posts, and it's kinda nice knowing I'm not the only one.


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