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Image Comments posted by nolageek

  1. At first I was going to give it an average grade, but once I read what the building was, I think it captures the idea you were trying to convey. I think to fully work though you'd have to somehow let the viewer know this is a resort. I just thought it was big building or something on the weekend. Nice tones.

    Sec 2


    Wow, y'all are totally obsessed with my disliking of nudes. hehehe I didn't mean any disrespect in my comments above. Really, don't take it personally. Yes, I went to look at more of his shots, and to me a folder with 35 women with nipples poking out of their towels and shirts doesn't interest me. It's almost like it's supposed to get some sort of shock value, and I just don't care.


    Don't pay any attention to me, really. It's just an opinion from one guy. hehehe

  2. I think it's an interesting take on the subject, but it screams "PHOTOSHOPPED!" to me. That's not a bad thing, mind you, just not my taste. Of course, I'm assuming it is photoshopped. I'm an amateur and haven't seen an effect like this come out the darkroom before.
  3. In New Orleans, we're known for our above-ground cemetaries, but I

    found this cemetary near my school that has hand written

    tombstones. Some of them are only a few years old, but look like

    they've been around since the dawn of time. Fresh flowers are

    always on he graves, some of them look like they cost more than the

    graves themselves.

  4. I'm still a beginner at this, I'd like to get feedback for the next

    time I go into the darkroom. In case you were wondering, the outside

    of the streetcar is pretty much pitch black, except for that white

    dot. (reflection? Car light?)


    Thanks for any suggessions!

  5. I've seen it done before, but this is definately a nice shot. Might have been a bit better if the main gear was a little lower and twowards the center more. Maybe with the medium-grey "trunk" forming the bottom left corner, instead of the lighter grey piece peaking out from the bottom.
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