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Posts posted by out2lunch4food

  1. Ken Rockwall's review is kinda meaningless since he admits he's never even touched this lens. also I've found that I can get one for about $175ish on ebay.
  2. Hey, wondering about your guys' opinion of the nikkor 45mm f/2.8P.

    I have a nikkor 50mm/1.8 that is currently my workhorse on my fm2n.

    Is it worth the money for the 45mm? maybe I've just been seduced by

    the 45's develish good looks but I feel like I need one. Any

    comments about this lens is well appreciated. (sorry if this has

    already been discussed, but i couldn't find it on the search.)

  3. Howdy,

    I have a QL17 G-III that I love and the mercury batter that it

    came with finally ran out. I'm looking for replacements. What do

    you guys suggest. I've heard that I can just put a 1.5v duracell in

    there. Is it that easy? How long do those last do you know? Wein

    cells, zinc air, or cheat and get the actually mercury? Please

    help, I wanna get this thing shooting again!

  4. Hey,

    Recently I bought a near mint Nikon FG with a Nikon 35mm Series E

    lens for 10 bucks at a garage sale. The camera feels great, but I

    can't figure out what some of the buttons are for. Like the place

    where the pc socket is on my Fm2n, is a black botton that I have no

    about. Also, right near the Shutter speed dial, there's a little

    toggle switch with a wierd symbol under it, What's up with that? If

    you know what these things are, or know where I can print out an

    owners manual, or just want to comment on the Nikon FG, it will be

    more than appreciated. Thanks!



  5. With these cameras you can�t go wrong. Personally I would go with

    the Nikon N80, just because of it�s professional reputation. Also, a

    major factor it the fact that the Elan 7 ONLY TAKES CIRTAIN AF

    LENSES. While the n80 can take practically any lens made after 1960.

    That is pretty major to me because I�m a person who want to find

    stuff I need for cheap on ebay. Either way these camera�s are good.

    The Elan is a lot faster than the n80, but the n80 has a better

    quality body. Also, look into the type of camera�s you want to

    progress into. If you want to get an EOS 3 down the line, then go

    with the 7. You need to pick a side. You�ll probably want a back up

    body, and that is exactly what these bodies will become if you get

    professionally serious about photography, and you don�t want to have

    to buy different lenses for your back up body.

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