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Image Comments posted by kyle_burt

  1. It was taken at the top of the corkscrew at Laguna Seca during the first practice session for the 1997 CART race. I have found that the first practice session is generally the best time to get such shots as the teams are still fine tuning set-ups and the drivers getting used to the track once again. Also, at this point the track is still relatively slick. As the weekend goes on the cars put down fresh rubber on the track making the track more grippy as shots like this less frequent.
  2. Nice subject matter. Probably worth going back to at different times of day and in different weather if possible. I find the light direction a bit distracting, especially the shadows at the top left corner and in the middel of the photo. I'd try moving some of the lemons around as well, specifiaclly the one that is 2/3rds up the image into that shadow/void right below it.

    ATV jump


    Good choice of shutter speed. Nice timing. I would suggest croping a little from the right to bring the ATV into the center of the frame and crop a little from the bottom to balance out that crop. Then run it through photoshop to remove the wire. I've done a 5 minute job to give you some idea of what it might look like.

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