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Image Comments posted by richard_n_gellock_sr.

  1. You put one photo on this site and you give a person a 1-1 rating ,get real! Well guess what ,i rate this photoa -1 and a-1.PUT SOME PHOTOS UP ON THE SITE,so people can see your Ansel Adams quality work. Untile then, keep your opions to yourself....Have a nice day....NOT.....Dick.....P.S. IT IS HARD TO SUFFER FOOLS


    -- (April 19, 2002) on Beach Aliens


  2. You put one photo on this site and you give a person a 1-1 rating ,get real! Well guess what ,i rate this photoa -1 and a-1.PUT SOME PHOTOS UP ON THE SITE,so people can see your Ansel Adams quality work. Untile then, keep your opions to yourself....Have a nice day....NOT.....Dick.....P.S. IT IS HARD TO SUFFER FOOLS


    HELLO JEFF,i like this photo,on a scale of 1-10 about 7.5. What KILLS me is how can someone like this person Eric Bonneville gave you a 1-1. in my book they don't know their A, from a whole in the ground,if you know what i mean! A person should get a 1,for just putting film in the camera....DICK
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