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Image Comments posted by david_sumner

    Wedding Dance


    During this wedding, I tried to make a conscious effort to feature the

    groom just as much as the bride. I liked this photo, but I was

    wondering what else it could use to enhance it.

  1. Children are little bundles of joy, but they can be so much more

    than that. I think the pictures of them when all is not right with

    their little worlds are just as expressive as those when they're


    looking up

    I think the subject gets lost among the background patterns. Perhaps if the shot were tighter around her, or oriented different, it wouldn't command as much attention. It's a good photo regardless.


    This is an awesome colleciton of color and frozen motion. I would have been too caught up in the action to have caught this properly. Great work!!!
  2. How could photoshop be used to make the background colors a little

    more vibrant? I was attempting to make sure that his face was

    illuminated below the brim of the hat, so I aimed a light upwards,

    but I think it washed him out slightly.


    The soft focus is nice. I love her expression. However, about a 5th of the photo is empty, unfocused space. I would have made it tighter.



    I was thinking of trying it again with less apeture and a fill flash

    to eliminate the shadow under the chin. What do you think?

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