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Posts posted by enrique_munoz1

  1. As to the question of whether it would be offensive to hang them together with the pictures from Semana Santa, the answer is that it would offend many Catholics, certainly in Spain, Italy, and other countries that understand the religious meanings of those ceremonies. Notice that I am not saying that you should not hang them together, only that many people would be offended adn it is your call if that is part of what you want to achieve.
  2. I lived 8 years in Moscow 1993-2001. Whatever you wear, people will know you are foreign, so I would not worry too much about it. Most will not recognise or be particularly interested in an expensive rangefinder or the name Leica, but an R will attract a lot of attention, so I would stick with the M. Many people do not like being photographed, but if you smile and then shoot it is usually alright, although you will then get a posed picture (the Yaschica T4 with its right-angle viewfinder is great in markets etc). Never directly photograph the police without permission (it is alright if you pretend to be taking a picture of a building or something). You can shoot in the Bolshoi and Maryansky without a flash. You will want a fast wide angle for Kremlin and for churches in Yaroslav, Suzdal and Sergiev Posad (also strictly no flash). Do not leave photo equipment in hotel rooms, but safes in international quality hotels are not a problem. Take plenty of mosquito repellant, all the film you will need, difficult to get hold of outside Moscow. Have a good time.
  3. I am not into digital shooting, but I was thinking that what I would

    really like on a film camera is a digital display that approximately

    showed the photo the camera would take with the current film/

    exposure settings, so as to be able to assess difficult lighting

    conditions/ effects. A kind of digital polaroid back. Would this

    not be realatively easy to design?

  4. Doug,


    I was thinking exactly the same. The photo is great but there is something slightly disconcerting about the way the hair is ruffled on the right hand side, or perhaps just too much darkness which somehow detracts from the beautiful smoothness and powerful tranquility of the rest of the image. Sorry if this sounds a little bit poetic but I can not find better words.

  5. I have one that I am still experimenting with. My first impressions are that it is pretty good. My only observation is that it flares significantly without the lens hood (it takes the same hood as the 135mm tele-elmar), although unfortunately it looks pretty ugly with the black hood on (my wife's first observation).


    There doesn't seem to be a rear lens cap for the unextended lens, since when it is collapsed the lens protrudes out of the lens mount, so I am not sure how this lens is supposed to be carried in the bag.

  6. I think it only works with your eye close up to the viewfinder and only with a 90mm -although I do not understand why this should be. I read this on the German Leica discussion forum. There was general diappointment there that it could not be used for candids.
  7. I have a Lee system that I use on my EOS (although the EOS sits in the cupboard 364 days a year). They are huge filters, specially the neutral grads, only really appropriate on a tripod. They are glass, at least the 81 BCDE, NGs that I have -I think they make gels as well. Allways was happy with the quality, although they are expensive.
  8. Hey guys, I shouldn't have mentiooned skiing or not taking a Leica. Actually I take my Leicas practically everywhere -cycling in the desert and downhill in the Andes in Peru, in the rain forest in Africa, in the swimming pool with my children (inside the pool but not underwater), and so on. However just for when I choose not to take one for whatever reason .....,is there anyone who can actually compare the three lenses on the cameras I mentioned. (By the way I should not have called them point and shoots, which is precisely what I do not want since I tend to use slide film).
  9. Which of these would you say has the best lens at f2.8 or f4 (I

    understand the other aspects of the cameras, only interested in lens)?


    Olympus 35 RC

    Yashica ELectro GX

    Canonet GIII QL17


    I am thinking of using one of these in certain situations where I do

    not like taking a Leica(skiing for example).Thanks.

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