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Image Comments posted by kmahler

  1. Yes I need to do some photoshop work on this one to remove the shadow in the top right. We took a pretty good hit from the jet wash right after this shot was taken but it was worth it.
  2. Yes I was flying below them.


    The two jets belong to an organization Careers in Aviation. You can find out more about them at www.careersinaviation.org. They have a few more jets but they are not painted yet. The closer jet is an L39 and the other jet is a Strikemaster. I was in a Bonanza flying below them in this photo. The jets were flying as slowly as they could and we were flying as fast as we could. The crew at Careers in Aviation liked my shots a lot so two things come out of that for me. Best of all, I get to ride in the jets! I also get to take some more shots for them while riding in one of the jets. I will likely travel with these guys to an air show soon and take some photos of them doing their air show and hang out with the Blue Angels and Thunder Birds at night.



    This was one of my first shots with my new 105 Macro. I really

    liked the effect of it being slightly out of focus. I'm wondering,

    do others like it?

  3. This little guy is about the size of your pinky fingernail. This

    was my first time with a camera underwater. I'm hooked now! Two

    expensive hobbies come together into one even more expensive hobby.

  4. France in the Fall, This tree caught my eye and I tried this angle to

    increase the effect of the color in the leaves. I'm really trying to

    find my creative side. I'm a computer geek trying to break out of the

    technical into the creative. Help a fellow photog out with some

    comments. - Thanks, Kevin

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