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Image Comments posted by jsegraves99

  1. I shot this photo just before sunset in the sandhills near my home.

    Canon EOS 10D with 100-400mm IS lens at 100mm. I thought the lighting

    was just right. I've printed a 19x13 of this on my Epson 2200 and it

    is lovely.

  2. A Short-eared Owl in flight at Quivira National Wildlife Refuge,

    central Kansas, USA. Shot with Canon EOS 10D, 100-400 IS lens. My

    only regret is that the sky was gray, rather than blue!

    Great Egret


    This tall, stately bird was posing quite nicely as he enjoyed a

    great spring afternoon at QNWR in central KS, USA. A fabulous

    birding spot, by the way.

  3. This American Kestrel, one of the smallest of the raptors was

    sitting on a barbed wire fence (which is a natural environment for

    them) at Quivira National Wildlife Refuge. The tiny falcon is

    actually a pretty colorful bird. Shot with 10D, 100-400 IS handheld

    from vehicle window.

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