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Image Comments posted by nnn_nnn

  1. I didn't say it is easy to use fisheye. No! I never used it, but I strongly believe it is much much more difficult to take an excellent fisheye picture compared to any other lens. I still think that there's not much you can do about composition with such lenses - in one given location, you have very minimal control over the composition, you can't be very selective, use filters, focus on something and disregard the rest, and so on, and so on. That said, with whole respect to the time it took to take this picture, I do not think it is really worth 9/9 or 10/10 ratings. It is good, it is above average, but it doesn't make me wonder if I should think again about my way of thinking about fisheye photography... Fisheye works best in readily very unusual scenery, but in many other cases, just makes it more difficult to appreciate the original values of the picture... IMHO, of course. It is really really very personal.


    I am not dismissing your work. I like it. I do not consider it the best photo ever, but, as you probably know, every person has a different way of perceiving photography...

  2. It hurts that this nice vivid blue/cyan on the top of this bottle becomes faded green later, affecting

    the color of this rose and overall composition... This is a very good photo, I just do not like this green...

  3. I'm pretty much with Anthony. It is a nice photo - good light. But I believe that fisheye should be used extremely carefully. I don't see any reason to use it here, instead of normal wide angle. Also, I think that this grid structure could be exploited better with the buildings... I don't think that 9/9 ratings are really fair, it is a personal preference, but there's little originality in this picture. Looking at all other fisheye photos, I find them pretty much similar - point in the sky, press the button, not much you can do in terms of composition...

    Sonoma Coast

    I'm not sure. Water is interesting, but light and atmosphere is poor enough to ruin everything else and not sufficient to build any mood (especially when contrasted by this this vivid color of the water). It is surely a good travel picture, but I don't feel it. Also, there's nothing special I can say about the composition... sorry if I am being rough, I'm still giving this photo pretty good rating :-)

    furrows 13.


    Wow... slightly overrated for me... It is very

    nice (but I don't think it is 10/10, just to be

    fair with other photos on this site)... but other

    than being aesthetic, what does it have?...

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