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Image Comments posted by e-bob



    HI, thanks for checking this image (look large!) This took several

    steps to make this particular look, which I happen to like a lot.

    What do you think of it? I find this altered version to be both

    interesting and asthetically pleasing, even though I made it using

    Photoshop. I haven't personally seen anything else like it, so I

    don't think it is cliche, but what do you think?



    This fantastic plant is a ten foot tall, many branched specimen of

    Mullein, growing near Newburg, Wisconsin, USA in 2005. It was hard

    to find a way to capture the huge size and amazing shape of this

    pant, until I lay down beneath it and saw it against the sky. Let me

    know what you think, and tell me if you have any of your own

    pictures of Mullein. Thank You!

    Wild flower

    It's a Passionflower. As in the passion of Christ. It is said to represent Christ's torture and execution. And the fruit makes a fine juice!



    A portrait of an ephemeral woodland flower, the trout lily. The 1.5"

    wide flowers hang down towards the ground on their short,curved

    stems. Many people never realize that they are treading upon such

    beatiful little flowers as the stomp through the woods. The plant

    gets its name from the trout-like spots on its small leaves.

    Playing with Fire 1

    This picture is AWESOME! This is my favorite from the group, because the person is most visible and has an interesting pose. I like the fire in this one - because it almost seems like a sphere around the girl - like a forcefield from a videogame or something! I also have a cool picture of a fire juggler at night in my folder - you should check it out! Take care-


    Nice photo. These little guys are great for photography. Just in case you are interested, this is actually a damselfly. You can differentiate dragons and damsels this way- Dragonflies hold their wings to the sides horizontally, and Damselflies hold them to the rear vertically. This looks very similar to 'Doubleday's Bluet' from North America, though, being from Russia, it is probably a different species. I have a few dragonflies and other insects in my folder, if you are interested. Let's see some more of your pictures!

    The Mark (#3)

    Wow. . .that's. . .really. . .weird. Are you really allowed to post that here? I'm not really certain what you're trying to say - is corporal punishment evil, or is the unfortunate spankee evil? Or, . . . are you evil? Nice models, though.

    Wolf Eyes


    That's pretty good - I like the guys 'split personality' I can make really 'noisy' shots with my digital by putting it on the long exposure setting with the flash. And then i shake the hell out of it. All of the lights trail during the exposure, but the flash catches the action pretty well. I have adigital, so I can take all the crappy pictures i want, no problem!

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