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Image Comments posted by domo

    Test 2


    Back in the day there would be 1000's of views now, after paying to be a member, I'm getting less and paying for it. 90 views after a week or two and I imagine that's where it will top out.

  1. I'm not so sure that this tweener split or 3/4s angle is a bad thing. It certainly doesn't bother me. Other than that, exactly by the book, and if you are learning photography and reading this critique everything he said is correct and will help you progress in photography. It does help to know the rules before you break them. They were broken here to be sure, but with every break of the rules something else is added. Boobs are always nice in a pic, I like seeing she is clearly in bed with an earring on. If she had moved her face over to get more of her eye, then the bright cheek would start to get covered in shadow (which to me is one of the best parts). ITS A SNAPSHOT OF AN EXPRESSION, and just a photo that moves me, simple as that. Can't teach that.

  2. I know blowouts will be the main critique, but for a moment can we

    just get the feeling of the picture and the emotion it creates in you.

    Ok more emotion for me cause this is my ex, but still I'm a

    photographer with a 4 year degree from Brooks and when I see a smoking

    hot woman with Rembrandt lighting, lol, I gotta say there was a reason

    I learned all that stuff.

    Test 1


    This site has gotten so damn complicated. Back in the day the ratings were on the same page as the pic and the comments below the pic. Simple. How does this apply to this image, it was a frustrating shoot : )



    Thx for taking the time to write a critique!


    PS I was holding the camera way over my head and pointing in their general direction. I, too, wish I had a bit more of their heads.



    Just hoping to get some opinions on these postcard ideas. This is one

    of 6 images I am trying to decide on. I'm hoping to market myself as a

    modern wedding photographer with a taste for the unusual. Please have

    a look at the wedding folder. Thanks for your time and interest. Domo



    Just hoping to get some opinions on these postcard ideas. This is one

    of 6 images I am trying to decide on. I'm hoping to market myself as a

    modern wedding photographer with a taste for the unusual. Please have

    a look at the wedding folder. Thanks for your time and interest. Domo



    Just hoping to get some opinions on these postcard ideas. This is one

    of 6 images I am trying to decide on. I'm hoping to market myself as a

    modern wedding photographer with a taste for the unusual. Please have

    a look at the wedding folder. Thanks for your time and interest. Domo



    Just hoping to get some opinions on these postcard ideas. This is one

    of 6 images I am trying to decide on. I'm hoping to market myself as a

    modern wedding photographer with a taste for the unusual. Please have

    a look at the wedding folder. Thanks for your time and interest.


    Simone Test

    I agree with all comments. This one more than the rest suffers from bad styling. I, too, thought the head looks separate from the body. Man its hard to get everything to come together. I'll keep trying.

    Simone Test


    How strange it is to see that someone gave me a 3 on this one. I have to say that I am tring to seek honest opinions and that in relation to all the shots I've seen on Photonet I am certain about one thing... this is not a below average shot. May sound a bit proud but I call it as I see it. I think instead of posting ratings perhaps we could discuss the details of the images and how to better it. Let's talk model, styling, makeup, hair, lighting, composition, posing, exposure or something worthy of discussion. If we are to get better as photographers let's get down to it.



    I have to say something about the Photoshop work. I agree that the eyes are too bright, but what I saw first was the extreme skin retouching. Got to work on getting that texture to come through or it cheapens the shot way too much. You might also try adding a fill light to just slightly bring up the shadows so you can just see into them. Best achieved by adding a large light box just beind the camera. Sorry to come down on the shot so much but its only because I believe you've got something worth commenting on.

    Simone Test

    No light painting here. Just lights with grids and one medium strip box with a grid to the left of camera that feathers off as you move to the bottom of the frame.
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