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Image Comments posted by jacklang

  1. Hi Julius. I appreciate any suggestions on how to improve a shot; I'm not a hands off type of photographer. Your upload doesn't appear to be working though. I did increase the contrast some and play around with the hue-saturation to make the background hills darker compared to the original.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions, Vlad. The slide is sharper than the uploaded image, but in between scanning, converting to JPEG, and uploading to photo.net, some of the sharpness gets lost. After reading your comment I went back and looked at the TIFF scan, and it looks like I could have used a higher setting on Unsharp Mask than I did. Sometimes I'm a little lazy and neglect the sharpness issue for web images if I'm satisfied with the composition and color correction. Thanks for pointing it out to me.


  3. Thanks for commenting Adam. Compared to the original slide, the colors are accurate. I could have boosted the saturation in PS to Velvia-level or beyond, but for the most part I prefer the uploaded image to look as much like the original as possible. It's my way of preventing myself from tinkering with the image too much.

    Roaring Fork Stream

    Very nice shot. You might consider uploading a smaller file size. With my 15" monitor on full-screen I can't see the whole picture at the medium setting and the small setting doesn't do the shot justice. Just a suggestion.
  4. Hey Bert, thanks for taking the time to comment. The framing was dictated by what I didn't want to include in the shot. There were some distracting elements to the left, I don't remember what, that I cropped out.
  5. About time. I was blown away by this shot last year when I saw it for the first time. There was another shot of a homeless man that had been chosen as POW and someone provided a link to Speaker's Corner as an example of a far superior image. I've been back to Tony's portfolio several times since then, and this shot continues to amaze each time I see it.

    Shore Pine

    Those two pop-ups were kind enough to walk into the picture a couple of seconds before I took the shot. I just started shaking my head and laughing. I thought about removing them in PS, but I decided they gave the scene some scale.

    deep thoughts

    This is nice Josh. It looks like she is wearing a man's shirt, perhaps that is where her thoughts lie. I would prefer to see all of her hand, but that is a minor nitpick. I don't like the highlight in the upper right, but that could be fixed in PS easily enough.
  6. This is a great shot Leping. At first glance it may seem a little haphazard, but a second look proves otherwise. The spacing between the tree trunks, the shading from dark black to light gray, the layer of clouds in the background. Well done.
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