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Image Comments posted by lucapatrone



    It is not a matter of taste between oranges or other fruits, my message is different:

    any original idea that you can have and decide to transform in a shot, must be realized without forgetting "aestetics".

    What I said is that your picture is extremely original. 7 points. But it is not a picture is pleasent to see!

    It is, in italian is "banale", that means simple and "flat"

    another "second side": it is hurting for a female looking at it (I'm not speaking for me, I showed your picture to same couple of friends)

    So my suggestion was to use the deep of field to mitigate the flatness of the shoot, use different planes and try to shot creative, but not porno







    Dear Dave, I'm with you if you say this picture is made to that. And I'm with you if you show me your picture "orgasm" and tell it is orginal. So we rank pictures for creativity and aestetichs. My is probably 1 creativity, and somethink more aestetichs. Orgasm is really high creativity, but I think that you can not kill aestetics this way. I mean that if I put a cat in a microwave, turn it on and take pictures, so, it would be CREATIVE. but nobody would like my shot. The really hard think is to but them togher. I will post some shot were I tried to do that. Caming back to "orgasm": I think that in any creative picture, there should be always a "mood" and an explanation for ALL. So I nderstand the bottle of beer, the girl, but really I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE BALLS. You putted them inside the pictures, because YOU NEED to do, but there is not the aestetich explanation on them. What I would make, I if decided to take the picture "orgasm", is to put in a foreground plane, for example, 2 marble balls, or 2 oranges /apples in a craddle of fruit, and taking the shot aliging the oranges with the base of the bottle, and leaving them out of focus. Luca Patrone

    ~*Pearl of Water*~


    Thank you very much.

    What is good for me is that you understand what I want to create. A woman candle.

    By the way. I saw your portfolio. I'm IMPRESSED for the perfect tecnique and the gorgeus creativity of your works, expecially "water". I think that that rating you received are not what you should have.

    Great work. your fan from now (marked as interesting person).


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