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Image Comments posted by eli_lehmann

    We lost it.


    I took quite a few photos of this scene, this column of smoke was

    huge. It wouldn't fit into a full frame and I made a couple of images

    by stitching individual shots together. Afterwards it was interesting

    to see that this shot...the one that shows the least amount, conveys

    the feeling of enormity the best. Let me know what you think. Thanks.



    I spent a good deal of time trying to compose a shot of this broken

    log at the beach. There's a lot going on here. Too much? Let me

    know what you think. Thanks.

    Playa Carrillo


    I stiched this together from 8 photos. Do you like the cropping?

    The complete stich goes a little further to the right. Should I

    include more. Should I include less. Any opinions welcome.



    Borrowed a friends wide angle lens for the weekend and had some fun.

    I like the way the grooves in the rock lead my eye to the hole in the

    wall. Tell me what you think. Is there too much sky, would you have

    framed it differntly. Any / all comments more than welcome. Thanks.

  1. Ben, there isn't really much of anything off to the left, just the other side of the ridge. I think the lines trick you into wanting to see what's further over, they do for me.


    As far as coming upon the shot, I'm the last crewmember in line. We're normally not supposed to fall out of formation but I can usually convince the boss to make exceptions if there's a good photo to be had.



    This photo isn't mine, it's my girlfriends, I'm jealous. It's an

    oceanside reflection in the sand that's been turned upside down. I

    wish I'd taken it, what the eye. What do you think?

  2. Leslie, It's St. Peter's Basillica in the Vatican City / Rome


    Anthony, something tells me that the Vatican hires their own photographers (who'd have this lighting many times a year). Thanks for the compliment though.


    Michael, This is on a Tuesday afternoon in December. A few days earlier I walked in during mass and it was a completely different scene.



    It really looks to me like the photo is wider at the top than at the

    bottom. I think the lines pointing toward the top corners trick your

    eyes. What do you think?



    I tried to keep the 2 front starfish in focus and blur the rest. Do

    you think it worked well, would you have done anything different.

    Any ratings/comments greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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