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Posts posted by manuel.rincon

  1. My experience is that a decent slideshow is 15 minutes long, 30 minutes if you are really talented and more than one hour only if your name is Francis Ford Coppola. That means a maximum of 200 pictures, 400 or 800. More than that creates enemies for a lifetime. Manuel.
  2. For a long time I have being using Powerpoint, very powerful but tedious in importing pictures.

    Some weeks ago I moved to Picasa, but it has IMHO a serious problem in saving the show. Several times I lost everything and needed to start from scratch.


    Last week I tried Proshow Gold. It is powerful in reorganizing slides and fast to create good DVDs and VCDs. But it has a main drawback: the quality of the pictures is extremely bad to show in a computer screen.


    Let me share with you my workflow, since I may have been doing something very wrong. I changed the size of the original pictures to 1572 x 1024, a bit more than the screen to allow movement of some of them with picture quality and detail. I started the show (Show Options) as 1572 x 1024. Finally I created an executable of 1280 x 768, which is the actual pixel size of my monitor.


    Horrible blurred images is the result. I am desperately seeking for any mistake I might have done.


    If I do not find an answer, I will have to move to Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 or to Adobe Premiere. And of course will make as bad publicity as I can about this so popular slideshow software. I cannot believe that this software is only designed for slideshows in TVS (low resolution) but offers no solution for slideshow in computer monitor and proyector.


    Thank you very much, Manuel.

  3. For a long time I have being using Powerpoint, very powerful but tedious in importing pictures.


    Some weeks ago I moved to Picasa, but it has IMHO a serious problem in saving the show. Several times I lost everything and needed to start from scratch.


    Last week I tried Proshow Gold. It is powerful in reorganizing slides and fast to create good DVDs and VCDs. But it has a main drawback: the quality of the pictures is extremely bad to show in a computer screen.


    Let me share with you my workflow, since I may have been doing something very wrong. I changed the size of the original pictures to 1572 x 1024, a bit more than the screen to allow movement of some of them with picture quality and detail. I started the show (Show Options) as 1572 x 1024. Finally I created an executable of 1280 x 768, which is the actual pixel size of my monitor.


    Horrible blurred images is the result. I am desperately seeking for any mistake I might have done.


    If I do not find an answer, I will have to move to Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 or to Adobe Premiere. And of course will make as bad publicity as I can about this so popular slideshow software.


    I cannot believe that this software is only designed for slideshows in TVS (low resolution) but offers no solution for slideshow in computer monitor and proyector.


    Thank you very much, Manuel.

  4. lisa, let us not be involved in words and definitions. let us avoid words that have connotations. let us try to make a sentence without the words voyeurism and curiosity. people like to take pictures to show emotions in others' actions. most of the people get a sense of challenge and achievement. they also enjoy a sense of beauty and proportions out of a good picture. they also enjoy stealing a moment to others without them knowing. possibly, some also get sexual excitement, but this is difficult to say, since sex is such an flexible term and has such undefinable boundaries. last, pros take pictures for money while they make fine arts in the free time. manuel
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