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Posts posted by dean_b.

  1. I'm glade Ed Hoey started this thread again. I don't know if the original contributors will drop by again, but I do wander how Roger Michel is doing these days with his GX.


    The only TLR's I've ever owned are the Mamiya C33 and C330, with several lenses, at two separate times in my life. However, my dream camera has always been a Rollei 2.8F, but that soon changed to a 2.8GX. The only Rollei I've owned had a 75mm 3.5 Tessar. Not very sharp! A friend of mine who used to own a Rollei 2.8F was able to do some side by side comparison with a 2.8F Planar, and a 2.8F Xenotar. I have no idea what the specifics of his testing were, but his conclusion was that the Xenotar was not nearly as "sharp" a lens as the Planar. My guess is, that there are others who might take exception to that conclusion.


    Even though the Rollei is not as flexible as my Mamiya's, I still wanted a Rollei for "Candid" photography. That is, moving around and taking pictures as they present themselves. I wanted to get the GX and put a prism finder on it. Get the largest micro prism screen that Rollei made for a bright easy to focus image. Additionally, I wanted the pistol grip, and a pair of Mutar Lenses. The 0.7 and the 1.5. These aren't as W/A and Tele as the Wide-Angle Rollei, or the Tele-Rollei, but they're good for the candid work I want to do. They're a bit expensive for ones in great condition, and I would assume there would be additional flare introduced, but I think with care, the advantages would offset the slight loss in quality. What I haven't verified is whether or not these Rollei Mutar's would fit on the GX. They did fit the 2.8F model.


    Lastly, a fellow I knew in the military, showed me how to advance the film to the next frame by turning the wind lever only one-half turn. I would think this would be handy for the configuration I would like to set up. Anyone have experience with the Rollei/Prism Finder/Pistol Grip combo?

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