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Image Comments posted by fpkearney

    Angkor - Ta Phrom

    Good picture, Ta phrom if I remember rightly, somewhere I found really difficult to get anywhere near as good a picture as this. The shear scale and magesty of the roots I found dwarfed everything else and were difficult to do justice too. something you've managed well.
  1. I like this and have to grudgingly admit that it is far better than the ones I got of the Ksar's myself you've managed to frame it well considering that they are really quite large. All of my shots ended up not fitting in the frame and having corners cut off or half a block in the frame.

    Sarah Stairing


    i really like this image the colours are just spot on and I love the positioning of the legs. One slight criticism, the lower hand seems to look slightly out of place and the way the little finger sticks out means that I really end up focusing in on it. Small point really considering how good the shot is.


  2. I like the concept behind the image however two things niggle me with it. the first is in the lack of symmetry in with her pose/ dress and the other is more with the symbolisim of using what appear to be 2 japanese katanna to illustrate the theme of Jihad. But that is no doubt me being really picky.




    When i first saw this picture i really loved it then after a while i began to feel less sure, the reason is that I love the idea behind it but theres to much of the blurred hand in the forefront, I think it would be a better shot if we could see the whole of her face.



  3. much better than a shot of him writing on blackboard.

    the only things that might make it better could be a playing around with the periodic table and moving him so that part of what he was writing was backed by a plain white background so you could see the chemical formula better.

    though saying that i'd never have thought of the perspex.

  4. I love it, done so many times before in cinema but still astounding.

    I had actually forgotten how impressive that kind of shot can be so very ivocative of Hitchcock films


    How was it done ?

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