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Image Comments posted by chris_torek



    It looks like a midday photo (note lack of deep shadows). Even with a polarizer, you will get not-very-saturated colors at midday, in part because the Grand Canyon's colors really are not all that intense, and in part from the blue-ness of the light (high elevation => less blue-scattering). Sunset, or perhaps a warming filter, will bring out striking yellow and red tones though.

  1. I think you captured the wet-and-green "feel" of the Hoh pretty well here. Question, though -- is that the Hoh River in the background? If so, what made it so yellow (or is that my monitor, which is never quite adjusted right)?

  2. Too blue? Maybe not, I have been up there sometimes when it really is that color. The snow is a bit blue, yes, but sometimes it really is. (Mostly when the light is subdued like this so that your own eyeball catches the blue-ness.)

    The composition seems quite good to me too. As scenes go it does not grab me that much though. Without seeing it in absolutely ginormous size, I can't say for sure, but it looks like if it were for sale in an art store, some would like and buy it, and I would not -- just my tastes. :-)

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