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Image Comments posted by benja

  1. This shot is anything but boring. Consider cropping it in an unconventional manner, and if you want it to be a more artistic shot, perhaps take it into photoshop or print it in Black and white. Of course, some people could think up an interesteing name for the image and then that adds a thought process to the image. Try this, crop it like a panoramic so that the fish are moving at an agle across the picture, and then change it to black and white. Just my oppinion!
  2. If you could pull any detail out in the right eye, that would make this picture a winner. Hey thanks for your comments on my images, I'd love to hear what you have to say about my work, I actualy just got a 1Ds for a book project I got hired to do, so my 10D is seeing less use now. But Otherwise, it's great to see what somone else can do with the same equipment. My E-Mail is Benhortonphoto@msn.com drop me a line.

    Mad as hell

    this image definatly makes you wonder what is inside this persons head. I'm not implying that peircing makes a person angry, but used in conjunction with this pose It seems like they have issues. I like it.


    Great work on your part, it seems that this model should be working with a mirror in front of her though so she can see her face. That helps when they have a hard time relaxing.
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