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Image Comments posted by daniel_maust

  1. This is my favorite photo in this folder. Your model looks very natural. I like the grainy look and harsh lighting. I have done a lot of theatrical work so this type of lighting works for me. Shadows on backgrounds are not acceptable to many. This one works for me. I use shadows a lot myself. Nice photo.


    Here I go again. Not trying to pick your work apart but trying to give an honest point of view. I am a fanatic about eyes and this girl does have great eyes however, her left eye is puffy looking and too dark. The soft round catch light on the right side of her eyes tells me that you may be photographing with sun light on a overcast day. No catch light coming from camea angle. I believe a little fill on the camera side would greatly improve the appearance of her left eye. If I'm wrong about the lighting some antihistimines might help. :-)
  2. This is a fantastic photograph. Eye contact is everything here. THE CROPPING IS PERFECT! IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS! To me the only improvements could be made by burning in the gloves a tad and dodge the face a little especially around the eyes. But I'm not complaining. Very, very nice.
  3. I like this a lot and I like the similarities between the model & statue. Sisters? I did miss the blown out shoulder when I first checked it out but after reading some of the other comments I agree. It does detract from the overall beauty. Could you tone the shoulder in photoshop to match the rest of the print?


    Nice shot. Good facial expression. Good shutter speed. (I like blurred hands & feet in this type of shot.) Those flourescent lights in the background really compete with the jumper. At least they are in nice even rows and not directly behind his body. I hate when that happens. I rated you higher on originality than asthetics because the cropping is a little too tight and because I know how hard it can be to get access, have the right gear, pre-plan the shot, etc. Good job!
  4. Please don't take my rating personal but I really don't understand the high ratings on this particular photo. I took a quick look at your portfolio and you have so much more to offer. I like some of your other pics a lot better than this one. If I gave you a 10 for this one, are the others 10+'s? I don't see much creativity here. Just a nice picture of a pretty girl. Sorry I can't buy in to your explaination of the photo. If you have to explain it, it's probably not working. Just being honest.
  5. A shot like this may benefit from a longer shutter speed. The water would smooth out like glass giving the photo a whole new dimension. Since your on digital anyway I think I would play with different color variations in software, maybe some fog would be fun!

    Gambing. sin.

    I like this. It appears that you may have focused on the dealers hands but a slow shutter blurred the entire picture. Intentional or not, I think it works. This type of photo is sellable. Casino's, campaign against drinking & driving, gambling addiction organization. The fact that you can't recognize anyone is a good thing. This photo works but many people won't see it. Good job.
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