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Image Comments posted by claire_d


    i really like it. and while im far far far from expert (just a mere student) my opinion is that the decoration doesn't distract. I think it adds something to it. but then again, it could just be me, and its all subject to opinion.
  1. in my non-professional opinon, I think its really good. I like it. I like the way its distorted, but doesn't make the features of the band members look strange. such as making noses look huge, or foreheads, eyes, ect...

    70s rock sound, huh? I'd be interested in hearing them, as well.



    Ok, I am just a student photographer, and I'm hoping to learn some

    things at this site. Im wanting to know what kinds of things i need

    to work on with my photos. How can I do better? thanks for any help!

  2. hahahahah....I bet this guy gets all the ladies! he's just so cute! and cuddly! unless they're allergic....hmmmm.....


    It reminds me of the picture of me that my sister messed with...she took my body, and edited a picture of my dog's head onto my shoulders....grrr....


    wow. im getting a big kick outta looking at all these surfing pictures. it makes me want to go pick up a surfboard and hit the beach. but then i remember i don't swim well, and the nearest ocean is probably a thousand miles away. ;) So i guess thats not a good idea. Very good shots, though!
  3. uh...I don't know what that guy up there who is so upset is upset about. I looked at his pictures, and he writes all this stuff asking for criticism to help him improve, and then he goes and blows up like that. whatever. some people are way too sensitive. (it also seems like you aren't the only one he's blown up at...) Anyhow....I really like the picture. Its definetly original. It reminds me of somehting you'd see on the inside of a CD cover. very cool.


    awwww...i love this one. as soon as i saw it i knew it was from the galapagos, too. I went there last summer. I got a few good pictures, but most of them were duds, because i kept screwing up my settings in my excitement. i don't think i have any of them in my "portfolio" but i have some on my website. (http://www.9cy.com/members/splatteredw/) I really like those two sea lions. they are adorable. i think they were the best part of the whole trip.

    Hi there.

    I really like it. i don't care what everyone else says. sure im not anywhere near a pro or anything. but i don't think anything needs to be in focus all the time. the softness of it is nice. i really like it.


    I like it. the one shadow is a little distracting, but i don't think its a big deal. I love the dress. its really pretty. i'd wear it to prom, if i could do prom over. I especially like the way the background is tied together with the rest of it.

    Name That Bird - 2

    I like it. I pretty much have given up on birds. only one bird shot ever worked for me, and even then its marginal. (its on my webpage, but not here. its of some blue footed boobies.) in galapagos there wer lots of flightless cormorants(sp?) and even though they were flightless, they were still just as active. gotta give you props for being able to find a bird that held still long enough! I like it. especially the detail in the feathers. thats the first thing that stood out to me.

    animals 2

    I, personally like it a lot. I am fond of the shadows. and this cat photographs better than mine. (i have one picture of him in my portfolio. gonna put one more later.) i like how you can see the face. I always have the problem of the siameese face going completely black, with no detail. Those eyes are so big! almost creepy...
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