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Image Comments posted by sergei_shestakov

    My son Leo


    Used available lighting from the nearby window. As I am currently

    taking dozens of photos of my little son, I at the same time would

    like to become a better photographer and would welcome any critique.

    Thank you.


    You have got a wonderful series, Janko. This is my favourite of the folder, maybe because it is the least decadent... All images certainly share much in common. Very good work! Original! --Sergei
  1. Lucas,


    After a big discussion here, I decided to post my opinion too. To my mind, its a good example of street photography. As you were talking about interaction between people, I thought, isnt it one of the goals of the street photography, to show that interaction, or sometimes, the absence of that interaction? We might argue about technical details of that image, but it caught my eye as it accomplished what it should have: showing life.


    Good shot, I think.








    This photo really stands out of your portfolio; the rest of the images are peaceful, but this one is passionate. This photo works very well in my opinion; the contrast, the lighting, expression on the models face. Very nice shot. --Sergei


  2. Michelle,


    I am also trying to photograph flowers, although only in black and white. I was attracted by this image because it seemed like the flower was highlighted from inside, which effect underlined its beauty and tenderness. I would however put the subject off center; but it is just an opinion.


    When I was thinking about what my task as a photographer should be, one of my thoughts was, those flowers are indeed beautiful. How do I reflect it on the print?


    Happy shooting. --Sergei


  3. To answer Matthews question, although I am generally not a fond of digital manipulation, I do enjoy this trick for some shots: Photoshop: Image/Mode/Duotone, select two-three colorsfor shadows, mid-tones, and highlightsthat are pleasing to your eye in combination, and play with the curves then. Sergei

    Philly zoomed.

    Colleagues, Thank you for your comments! Sandy, it was taken from the 30th floor of 2400 Chestnut. I'd assume Peco Bldg would provide a very similar view. Michael, this effect was achieved only by (quick) zooming. Michelle, thanks a lot for your idea, that is very very interesting. --Sergei





    This photo I think add something to how silhouettes are taken. It is a silhouette, yet the photo has its volume; its not flat as most silhouettes Ive seen.


    Definitely, a good idea. --Sergei

  4. Daniel,


    Very interesting light, as though we are in jungles. On one hand, it would be nice to see some details in dark areas; on the other hand, some darkness contrasted with bright light I think was the idea of the photograph. Happy shooting. Sergei



    Philly zoomed.




    I will appreciate any comments on the idea and its execution. As I

    was trying to be more creative in cityscape photography, I zoomed in

    during this exposure (10 sec, F/11, Film TMax 400).


    Thank you for any suggestions you might have.



  5. Yuri, as I've already commented, you've got a very nice folder. It would be helpful though to process the photos in Photoshop, as they look flat, not contrasty. Good moments, could be presented better. A simple command such as Auto Levels could do the job. Its only my opinion though. --Sergei

    Manhattan sunset (2)

    Christian, I liked the shot so much that I thought Id go back with a suggestion. What if this image is de-saturated in PS and then tritone-colored, e.g. shadows in black, mid-tones in blue, highlights in yellow? Just an idea
  6. Andreas, what was the original crop? Its a wonderful shot, but it may need more space at its right side; it somehow creates a sense of rightwards movement. Its just my opinion though. Sergei
  7. Ken, This is a winner. I am trying to shoot flowers in B&W but without much success. I should learn from this shot. Nice detail; black background underlines the beauty of the flowers. --Sergei


    Jo, This is a very interesting shot. In my opinion, it could be a little sharper. It feels like you need to see details of the persons skin to judge the beauty of the daisy (or both, I should say). Cheers --Sergei

    Manhattan sunset (2)

    Christian, a wonderful view youve captured. Why is it so blue? It works fine here anyway. I find it difficult to photograph New York cityscapewhat new can you possibly say herebut Ive never seen such a photo before I must admit. Cheers --Sergei
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