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Image Comments posted by scottamy404

  1. Absolutely stunning. I really like the way the split rail fence leads you into the photo. I just cancelled a trip to colorado on September 24th because I decided it was too close to the day our first child is supposed to be born. I'm dying to see Colorado in the fall. - Scott

    The Melody

    I like the thin curls of white. The larger, more dominant, white area above the birds head pulls my eye towards it a bit. Maybe a slight increase in contrast or use of fill flash filter would help the bird to stand out more from the background.


    Wow, you really don't take criticism well do you? I give you a 2/3 on a poorly lit and not so originally posed shot that you have to go to my gallery and give me 1/1 on three of my pictures and a 2/2. Much appreciated.
  2. The image is a little small on my screen but I do like the composition. Perhaps I'd like to see a bit more room on the left side so that the shadow is not cropped off. I also like the use of the polarizer.
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