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Image Comments posted by ruth_christie

    Yikes !


    I agree, your edit is excellent.  It brings the viewer right into the action and gives a better sense of the coldness.  My photos on here are from many years ago when I was using film and very much a beginner.  I have a huge portfolio on a competitor site. I've just come back today to check out Photo.net and happened upon one of your bird photos, nice to see another Lethbridge photographer - you have some great images here.  I love the waxwing photos - are they Bohemian or Cedar Waxwings.  I've seen Bohemian Waxwings at Henderson Lake in winter and Cedar at Payne Lake in summer.  


    The Kiss


    An evocative image - one other comment speaks of tenderness, I also think of innocence, gentleness, beauty, sweetness, peace, security.when I look at it and would never tire of seeing the sweet love represented here.


    Thank you for making such an emotionally moving image!!

  1. Marvelous lighting and vista here. I've always wondered what Death Valley looked like since hearing in my childhood of how my Grandfather took his family there from Canada while he was able to get work building the Death Valley Railway during the depression. Thank you for giving me an image to attach to family history.
  2. This was the great North American dream for my generation - a home in the suburbs 2 cars in the driveway a country club and a retirement home. Many have achieved it. Is this dream feasible for our children's and grandchildren's generations? . . . not at the cost of living today, IMO and not practical considering the state of our natural world - what new dream should they be dreaming?


    Of dreams . . . ahhh such peace! - the colours, detail in foreground and satiny background so beautifully contrasted.


    Beautiful scene! The diagonals in your composition work very well to lead the the viewers eye from the very front to very back of image - excellent work.


    I've never heard of butterbur but whatever it is it makes a richly attractive subject for your photo. I like your compostition and this adds nice variety to your new stuff.
  3. I am mesmerized by the beauty of this. My first thought was how perfect the little building with the double chimneys looks and yet I see someone doesn't think so. I love the very dark band of reeds in the middle and how the sun gives that such a powerful dymamic. wonderful shot!! Can I borrow this for a writing page I do if I give you a link and full credit??
  4. Very different for photo.net - an interesting change from landscape, nudes and flowers. Wonderful lighting and moment of babies first cry. Congratulations to you both on baby and photo and a special thanks to Bernard Mayr - hope I got that name right, for his very good illumination on the fact babies are no longer born outside especially by c-section.
  5. Ignorance is bliss - if I hadn't read the 'constructive' criticism I couldn't find fault. How bright and cheerful and real! Thank you - everything you do is a work of art. I put my sister and brother onto your portfolio and they were delighted with it. Both take wonderful photos themselves and said you are an Artist.
  6. Lovely with the bright trees and all the colour on the water. Where is the light in the trees coming from? Was this fall or is that colour lighting giving the trees the yellow/orangy colour?
  7. Just beautiful Bill, I haven't been to see your work for a long time. Very nice variety here. I love this one; the wet stone the green its all lovely. The photo of the little boy pushing the wagon is cute! I have some new folders too. I don't get much action on my portfolio, maybe you could take a look.

    Tug of War

    What a tragedy to lose such photos. Were they destroyed or could you advertise for them maybe someone found them in a second hand store and valued them enough to save them? The other one of the boys playing on the lampost is wonderful. Evidence of freedom to have simple fun - a dying art amongst children imo. It is a classic and I've saved it on my desktop as I'm an artist and wonder if it would be ok if I painted or drew it.
  8. Wow this one is awesome. Her skin is luminous and her coloring excellent. I do agree with a little more at the bottom but that is very minor the strength is the wonderful color contrasts the lovely forest and an equally lovely girl. Oh and I won't tell your wife.
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