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Posts posted by chris_myers2

  1. Janet,


    I can only speak from issues I've heard (and seen personally) from a friends D70. His had horrendous back-focusing issues (to the point of selling the D70 and buying a 20D. Personally, I use a Fuji S2 Pro and it works quite well (focusing could be a bit faster and I don't like the N80 body except for the screw-in cable release).


    You asked about the 28-105 though I can definately say that this is a very good lense, even if it's not an "ED" version. I've used this for many photo shoots and it does it's job well.



  2. I sold off my Canon equipment and went to Nikon for this reason.

    My main body had been an EOS 3 and found it just horrible when I wore my

    glasses. I can't do contacts all that well so that mode was out and figured why

    should I have to get contacts to see through the viewfinder anyway.<br>


    My Nikon F5 now is clear and bright when I wear my glasses. My Fuji S2

    digital body is the same and it's based on an N80.<br>

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