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Image Comments posted by geoff_gadow

  1. This photo is excellent; it just needs to be framed differently. If you haven't heard about it, look up the rule of thirds. If you were to place the center (the center of the smallest hay roll) a little to the lower left would change the photo entirely. It makes it more irregular, which is interesting to the eye. Also, earlier in the morning is better for less white in the sky and thus more contrast. As a positive, you have placed the line of corn exactly on the upper third of the frame; which is exactly right!


    Great idea; go shoot a roll of film with different points of view of the subject to see what you like best. Play with it and have fun.

    Big Creek 117

    Great photo. I might have placed the "eye" a little further to the right, but still a very creative work. Was this altered digitially? I understand the time aspect, but I don't understand how you did the color. Great.


    I like it better without the ashtray in the background. I do like the use of depth of field, and the patterns in the backgroud. The details of the hand are also very good.



    GREAT use of depth of field. This is an excellent photo, and would not be without your creative use of the dof. The use of this model's eyes as the subject is also excellent, and the dof draws further attention here. Absolutely excellent.



  2. Franck-


    Great composition, and good use of the water droplets, but I have problems with your exposure.


    I know nothing of digital photography, but if I were looking at a slide, I would say this is overexposed. The photo is too bright, and stopping it down might have produced a more color-rich image. Otherwise, a great photo.


    Welcome to photo.net.



    Barbed wire


    I categorized this photo in "Nature" because it is part of a barbed

    wire fence the divides forest preserve from farmland in Northern

    Illinois. I realize this seems tenuous, but I really see this as a

    natural photo. I like the age yet seemless tenacity of the wire.

    Let me know what you think - I appreciate it.





    I really like these photos. I would be interested in how you set them up. You've captured some very special moments with these photos. I would appeciate your ideas about mine.


  3. I love this photo, and all photos like this that distort color spherically. My only suggestion would be that the backgroud would somehow be dark. The light background in this photo is somewhat distracting. It looks like you did this with natural light, so I'm not sure how you would do this - but the subject (the splash) would be much more effective with a dark(er) background.



    Good photo, but I would lose the arm...maybe have your model place her hand on her waist. That way, you lose the distracting arm line; emphasize the torso line; and create another eye-point at the waist. I absolutely love the leg-line created by the model's left raised leg. Nice work.



  4. Not sure what this is a photo of, but I do like it. I like the blurred image of whatever is spinning. I might have used a faster shutter speed to capture a little more detail of whatever is spinning...I would still leave it blurred, but a little more detail.


    GREAT lighting!





    This photo makes me think of Keith Richards. I wonder if you had that on your mind at all when you chose the model/composed the photograph.


    I like the projective nature of this photo; there is a lot you can read into this shot. Not much of it is pleasant, but that's good for the photo.


    One suggestion...I would have stopped this down once or maybe even twice. This might create an even more mysterious image...the brightest points would be the reflections in the hair and the teeth. Play with it in Photoshop.





    I would like to recompose this photo with something more interesting

    in the foreground, but it was a last minute situation and I really

    had to hurry (the storm was headed rapidly towards me). More photos

    of this situation in my Lightning folder. Appreciate any comments.



    On Track


    I have taken numerous railway photos, attempting to capture the symmetry that is intrinsic in railroad yard. You have done a nice job with this photo. I especially admire your placement of the train's headlight at an unlikely position in the print. Excellent photo.



  5. I like your idea, but I have some problems with composure. I would suggest an other than white background - especially given that both subjects are wearing white shirts. I do like the one subject eye contact and the other subject focused on the other subject. Great concept, work on the composure.

    "Best Friends"

    Your first roll of b&w must have come out pretty good; you have a good eye. B&w requires a different eye, however. You need some more contrast here: say if the girl and dog were highlighted in sun by a light-colored wheat field. You need to work with contrast in b&w, and in this photo, where the subjects are dark, you need a light backgroud. Good luck and keep shooting.
  6. Cool. I just ripped a Rocky Mountain shot you took, but despite the negative ratings on this shot, I like this photo. I like the lines, and it appears that you took some time to set find the right spot.
  7. Great photo. I wonder what other possibilities were there in terms of perspective. Could you have moved the camera to capture both the weeds and the moon within a differnet perspective? Just an idea.


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