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arthur sevestre

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Image Comments posted by arthur sevestre

  1. Oh dear, I can imagine this as a large print and it looks great! I love the darkness here. The subtle colours and the texture of the grass look great. The composition is beautiful too. This looks very mysterious and I almost start feeling cold just from looking at it. Cold in a pleasant way... I'd love to walk around there!
  2. PHIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Through chance I took a look at photo.net again for the first time in about three years I guess. You're still here!! And my, I missed seeing your photos! I have only taken a short look so far, but I see some absolutely marvelous work. I really will have to look into your new stuff!


    Lol... I think I saw your portrait for the first time just a few minutes ago. For some reason I always pictured you as a balding guy with dark hair and a moustache... don't ask me why ;).


    This photo I'm looking at now is marvelous. Beautiful shapes and colours and I love the way you used the rocks in the foreground to add interest there. Great!


    Maybe I should spend some time here again... We'll see.


    All the best!!!! Great to find you here!

  3. Yes... well... I'm sorry. The perspective, people! Did noone notice how Clifford's nose is made to look much much larger than it should be? Not very flattering, right? Someone mentioned the fact that Clifford is wisely trying to keep his private parts cool, but to me, it seems like there is something else going on... Those lights in his eyes, a good capture? A sign of experience in wildlife photography? Nay, I say that Clifford has the light of absolute fear in his eyes here! I suspect Lawrence from mistreating a model! From what I see, Clifford was jammed with his rear between the dashboard and the windshield (which will not be good for his fur if he has to stay there too long!) to be able to make a photo of him. Clifford seems to try to break free by flapping his ears wildly, trying to fly away (his hind legs are so crushed between the dashboard and the windshield that they will not have any power in them anymore to get out). The flapping is very artfully hidden by using a deviously fast shutterspeed (bad trick), but it didn't fool me! There is no lack of DOF that makes him appear a little unsharp, it is desperate movement!! You know what? I think Clifford will feel much more at home with Rick Vincent!


    Oh well... maybe I'm being just a little bit harsh on this photo. Other than what I just said, of course it is perfect and I already threw my camera out of the window. I guess I'm just a bit put off by the fact that our own dog saw this photo first and decided to change his hair colour. So now we have a red white shephard as seen above... Can you imagine that this is a bit painful and that it makes looking neutrally at this masterpiece is a bit difficult?


  4. What a magnificent story in here! The "poses" of the girls say so much and are so strong, that's amazing! The cropping on the bottom is a bit tight and maybe the dark tones could be a bit darker, but somehow the expressiveness make those things minor nits here. Good one!
  5. Hi Guy! Thanks for your very friendly words!


    I really think this scene is breathtaking, but I wouldn't be surprised if the colours were disapointing to you. I tried some things in photoshop, to see if I could improve it a bit and I think I succeeded. What I did was working on the greens and yellows in "selective colours" and "hue/saturation". Added some contrast and here's the result.


    See if you like it! Any questions? Mail me!


    Best regards!

  6. Hi Craig, long time no see! I like this one better than the other shot of this scene. The clouds fill the frame wonderfully. The coloured Grad filter doesn't look bad here, but I still think that a neutral filter might have given a nicer result. Regards!



    Very nice and even original shot of a couple of puffins (yes, they are puffins ;-)). The colours could be much more vivid though. If you have photoshop or a similar program, please try playing with levels and selective colours and add some contrast and saturation. For an example, see the example (quick work, so can be better still).



    What an extraordinary colours! Beautiful sky and I like the three trees. I think I would have liked a bit more foreground and I think it's too bad that you lose the top of the tree on the right side in the dark cloud.



    Another Holloway on the site? Family of Marc?

    I like this picture. The composition is nice and the colours are good, but I think that a Grad ND filter would have been useful. It would have made the air a bit darker, with more saturated colours, while the foreground would have had more detail.

  7. IMO, not enough detail and not really a point of interest, though the light is quite nice. I'd crop off the right halve, keeping only the building on the left side.


    Your reasoning of why you overexposed one or two stops isn't really good, though it seems to have worked out alright here. If you shoot something that's dark, you UNDERexpose and if something is light, you OVERexpose. It's important to remember that overexposing 2.5 stops renders the metered part as pure featureless white, while underexposing 2.5 stops renders featureless black. A neutral exposure renders the metered part as a neutral tone. So, what I would have done here, is spotmetering the lightest part of the sky, and overexposing that with 1 stop. But you could also have spotmetered the water in the foreground and overexposed with 0.5 or 1 stop. This way you can easily expose the way you want to with any given tone, if you give yourself enough practice in seeing the tone of a subject.

    full moon

    Great light-effect, but I have the impression that there are two different images in the picture. They somehow do not really work together. You either look at the tree in the left, or to the tree on the right. I think it might get stronger if you cropped of the tree on the right side. but... for the great light I must rate rather high still! Good luck!

    Three Sheep

    Phill, you're getting a 7 for the picture. I noticed by the way that there's some pretty nice light here. I just like the wool blend colouring between fleece and fields. You get an 8 for your comments (hahahahahahahaha) ;-)
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